5 the best body scrub recipes. My selection

Hi, kittens! Today I decided to make a collage to collect in one picture all the best body scrub recipes, that I like and I am sure, a lot of girls like. So, if you still have doubts which one scrub to try first, you can choose the one from my selection. I am sure, you will be in love! Let's prepare to the summer, kittens! ♥

5 the best body scrub recipes

5 the best body scrub recipes

Optionally you can vary ingredients and create your own unrepeatable recipe, that will suit specifically your skin type! Keep experimenting! ♥

5 the best body scrubs for this summer

Have you ever tried homemade body scrubs? Tell me, which one is your favourite!

Few days I will be offline, moving to a new house, so I hope, you will wait for me! ♥

I wish you a wonderful day, kittens! I love you! ♥ Meow!