Autumn skin care. How to make egg white face mask

Hi, kittens! My next article is devoted to the one of the amazing recipes for the oily, with large pores, and also for the aging skin. I will write today how to make egg white face mask. A protein and amino acids, of which it is composed, help to piece out a collagen and an elastin in the skin, and this mask mechanically tightens the facial contour and narrows the pores.

How to make egg white face mask

1 egg white of the one egg

1 tsp a lemon juice (for oily skin)

1 tsp a honey (for dry and sensitive skin)

Application: Mix the ingredients and apply to the skin, avoiding the skin around the eyes. After half an hour, when the mask is dry and you feel a tightness, wash it off with a cool water. After - clean the skin with ice cubes which are made from the infusion of a chamomile. This ice will soothe the skin, will narrow enlarged pores of a spoiled oily skin and will tone up a flabby skin, increasing the work of the cells and the production of a collagen and an elastin. Make a mask once a week, and it will be a great complement for your daily care, and after a few time, you will see the improvement in the appearance of your skin.

Girls, I am russian, and the English is not my native language, so if you will found mistakes - feel free to show me them to correct! =)

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3