Coffee remedies: coffee hair mask. Máscara de café para o cabelo

Hello, my charming ladies! Today I want to please lovers of coffee and share with them a great hair product's recipe, which not only has a pleasant smell, but also brings a lot of goodies to the hair. Coffee remedies: coffee hair mask is good for all hair types without exception, but about the use for blondes and brunettes, I will write separately below.

Máscara de café para o cabelo tonifica, melhora a circulação sanguínea e purifica o couro cabeludo.

Coffee remedies: coffee hair mask. Máscara de café para o cabelo

Coffee remedies: coffee hair mask

Máscara de café para o cabelo

3 tbsp of a coffee grounds (uma borra de café)

100 ml. a strong coffee (um café forte)

1 tsp. of an almond oil or any cosmetic (um óleo de amêndoa ou qualquer outro cosmético)

1 egg yolk (uma gema de ovo)

Application: Mix the ingredients and apply the mask on the dry hair. It is very important to make massage-peeling the scalp to clear your skin of dead cells and pores of a excess fat and a dirt. That's why we've added the coffee grounds in the mask. Coffee in the mask tones, improves microcirculation blood in the scalp (so that all the nutrients easily penetrate into the roots), and, thanks to antioxidants, which the coffee contains, helps skin cells keep youth and to be renewed efficiently. Plus, a small dignity of the coffee - it gives the hair a golden hue. Thats why is best to keep this mask no so long (enough to massage the head, keep the mask for 5-10 minutes and rinse) for blondes, and for brunettes, those who want a more noticeable results - to keep the mask a little longer, or add in the mask one pack of a henna =)

Let me know, if this mask will help you!

Girls, I am russian, and the English is not my native language, so if you will found mistakes - feel free to show me them to correct! =)

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses;!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3