Deep facial cleansing at home. Honey and turmeric

Hi, kittens! Today in the night I was asleep, so I decided to make the procedure of a deep facial cleansing at home. The recipe and an application you can see on the pic, but I will write details below. I promise - you will be VERY surprised with the result!

Ola, gatinhas! Hoje, vou compartilhar a receita unica para a limpeza facial profunda. É muito facil: misturá curcuma e mel, aplique sobre a pele e massageá-lo. Faz-lo 30 min e mais.

a limpeza facial profunda

I added to honey turmeric for a reason - like most spices, turmeric is a powerful antibiotic, but in contrast to the same cinnamon, it doesn't burn the skin. This procedure not only cleanses the pores but also kills any harmful bacteria. That's how my face looked when I applied this mix.

And then I started to massage. This procedure is long, it took me about 40 minutes. So to remove all the dirt and dead skin cells out of the pores you need at least a half an hour of a massage. With time you will notice that the honey-turmeric mixture becomes darker, thicker and greasier - it's dead cells, a sebum and a skin's dirt. Periodically rinse your hands, wipe dry and continue massage, until almost all the honey mixture is on the hands. Then rinse the face with cold water, to "close" the purified pores. Apply your favorite moisturizer.

Have you ever use a deep facial cleansing at home? What a kind did you use?

Vocês já usaram a a limpeza facial profunda? Escreva-me sobre o efeito! Vou aguardar pelos vossos comments!

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses;!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3