Hair mask for hair loss with brandy and coffee

Hi, kittens! Today my article is dedicated to those who want to strengthen their hair and get rid of hair loss. I'll tell you about a brandy or cognac as the ingredient of masks, and will talk about its properties and I will share a recipe of hair mask for hair loss with brandy and coffee, which will help your hair look good.

Hair mask for hair loss with brandy and coffee

100 ml of freshly brewed coffee

2-3 tsp of a brandy

You can use 2-3 tbsp of oat flour or white clay as a base, but you can make without the base, so then to make sure that the amount of an applied mixture will be enough to wet the hair, but you should not overdo it, otherwise the mixture will flow down.

Application: Mix the ingredients, apply on the hair - especially on the scalp. Wait for 1 hour, then rinse.

Brandy dries the skin, but if it's combined with coffee all nutrients remain, but alcohol will not affect the scalp. Brandy (cognac) and its tannins, strengthens hair roots and improves blood circulation, increase hair growth, as well as helping with a hair loss. Coffee and included in its composition caffeine increase the tone of blood vessels, also improving blood circulation. Overall, this mask gives a luster and a shine to the hair, and with the frequent use of this mask your hair will become noticeably denser. You can also use brandy separately, putting it with a cotton wool on the scalp and leave overnight. Because alcohol dries the skin, this option is suitable only to owners of oily scalp.

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses;!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3