Hair treatment. Banana honey hair mask

Hello, my beauties! ;) How's your weekend? I hope you will find the time for home beauty treatments ;) If you have no idea how to please your hair this weekend, then I advise you to make a banana honey hair mask. It is absolutely the best for all hair types, but most of all it will be useful for those whose hair is damaged by drying, coloring, or by the impact of the summer sun and a sea water.

Se vocês não têm uma idéia de como agradar o seu cabelo neste fim de semana, então eu aconselho uma mascara de tratamento para cabelos com uma banana e mel. É absolutamente a melhor escolha para todos os tipos de cabelo, mas acima de tudo, será útil para aqueles cujo cabelo está danificado por secagem, coloração, ou pelo impacto do sol de verão e a água do mar.

Bananas contain a rich complex of vitamins (A, B, C, E, potassium, magnesium), which will nourish the hair follicle, and the consistence of the banana itself will smooth the hair, playing the role of a conditioner. Your hair will not only receive the nutrition from the inside, but will look better even after one use! And the honey is a proven beauty-remedy that is full of vitamins too and even more then banana=)

Well, the recipe of a banana honey hair mask:

1 banana

1 egg yolk (gema de ovo)

1 tsp of the honey (uma colher de chá de mel)

Preparation: Mash the banana with a fork (buy soft bananas for this mask, you can mash the overripe bananas easier), connect it with the egg yolk and the honey and mix it all thoroughly. Use before you wash your hair. Apply on hair and skin, wrap your head with the wrap and a towel. Leave for an hour. All the nutrients of bananas and honey and egg yolks need time to penetrate into the skin. Rinse with lukewarm water (under the hot the egg begins to clot). Then wash your hair with shampoo. And admire the effect!

Be sure to leave a comment if you tried to make a banana honey hair mask, and what the effect did you have? =)

Por favor deixe um comentário se vocês tentaram fazer uma máscara de tratamento para cabelos com a banana e o mel e qual o efeito que vocês têm? =) Amo e beijo =**

Take care of your beauty! Love&kiss! =* Meow :3