Homemade Nourishing Face Mask with yolk

Hello, beautiful kittens! Today I am sharing with you the recipe of the Homemade Nourishing Face Mask with yolk, based on a egg yolk and vegetable oils. The yolk is a huge supply of concentrated vitamins and nutrients that will provide nourishing effect to a dry, lifeless skin, and even after only one application the skin will retrieve own fresh look. And if you will make such a homemade mask regularly - after a while you just will not recognize yourself in the mirror;)

Hoje, vou compartilhar convosco a receita da máscara facial natural para nutrir a pele.

A máscara é realizada com a gema e o óleo vegetal.

Fique comigo e lê esta receita e a sua aplicação, gatinhas ;)

a receita da máscara facial natural para nutrir a pele

A recipe of the Homemade Nourishing Face Mask with yolk:

1 yolk

1 tsp. of an oil (olive, sweet almond or avocado oils - it's your choice)

A receita da máscara facial natural para nutrir a pele:

1 gema

1 colher de chá de um óleo (azeite, o doce óleo de amêndoa ou o óleo de abacate - a escolha é vossa)

Application: Mix all the ingridients and apply this mix on the pre-cleaned skin of the face by the brush or with own hands. Wait 20-30 min. If you have a time and a wish you can keep the mask longer. For experiment you can every time use another oil, then you will be able to understand what the oil is the best for your skin's type.

Aplicação: Misture todos os ingridientes e aplique esta mistura sobre a pele limpa com o pincel ou com as mãos, e aguardem 20-30 min. Se tiverem mais o tempo e caso seja o vosso desejo, podem manter a máscara por mais tempo. Para experimentar, vocês podem usar de cada vez um óleo diferente, e serão capazes de entender qual o melhor óleo para o vosso tipo de pele.

o óleo é o principal ingrediente de máscaras nutritivas

Oils are the basic elements of many facial masks, and they are present in almost all recipes of nourishing masks. Decide for yourself what kind of oil is the best for your skin. They are all rich in vitamin E (which helps skin keep elasticity, as well as it's an indispensable antioxidant, that prevents the effects of free radicals on the skin and slows the aging process). Also, vitamin E helps produce a collagen. Olive oil is used by beauties from ancient times, as a universal remedy for the beauty. Almond oil is a treasure trove for those who care about the elasticity of the skin. Avocado oil is excellent for those who don't like oily slick on your face - oil is the closest in composition to the natural fat of the skin, the oil is absorbed more quick and leaves no slicks.

What is your skin type? Is this mask good for your skin? =) I look forward to your feedback and comments, kittens! =*

Qual é o tipo da vossa pele? E esta máscara é boa para vossa pele? =) Aguardo vossos comentários, gatinhas!

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Amo e beijo! Love&kisses;! =* Meow :3