Homemade remedies for hair loss. Burdock oil hair mask

Hi, my kittens! Today I share another one homemade recipe for the hair, that will help to them who has problems with a hair loss, or who want make the hair growth faster. Homemade remedies for hair loss are very simple, and a burdock oil hair mask is one of the most popular. It's easy to make it and you will like the result =)

Homemade remedies for hair loss. Burdock oil hair mask

Homemade remedies for hair loss. Burdock oil hair mask

0,5 cup of burdock oil

2 egg yolk

3 tbsp of honey

Application: warm the burdock oil in a microwave (just a little bit!) and mix with the yolk and the honey. Apply the mask on the dry hair from the scalp till the hair ends. Wrap your head with a plastic wrap and cover your shoulders with an old towel: the mask can flow down. 1 hour or 1,5 hours later you can rinse the mask with a cool water first, and after wash your hair with your normal shampoo. Do this mask each week untill you achieve your goal.

I hope, it will help you!=)

Girls, I am russian, and the English is not my native language, so if you will found mistakes - feel free to show me them to correct! =)

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3