Lip balm. Handmade experiment

Hi, kittens! I've got an idea to make a lip balm a lot of time ago. But just now I decided to realize this idea. So, today I did my own lip balm (handmade lip balm was the first my experience). Of course, I took pics to show you how to make handmade lip balm in home=)

Hoje vou escrever como fazer bálsamo labial natural em casa. Fique comigo e lê a receita e o tutorial. Fique comigo! ;)

Eva Tornado: como fazer o bálsamo labial natural em casa

Recipe of handmade lip balm (for one little jar):

2 tsp. of a vaseline (full)

2 tsp. of a sweet almond oil (or any other oil, that you like)

5 drops of the fragrance oil (I took "Vanila Cream" and "Coconut")

3-5 drops of the food colorant (if you wish), or you can use the juice of red berries (0,5 tsp.)

Receita do bálsamo labial natural (para um frasco pequeno):

2 colheres de chá de vaselina

2 colheres de chá de um óleo de amêndoa doce (ou qualquer outro óleo, que vocês gostam)

5 gotas de óleo aromático (a fragrância) (eu tomei "Vanila Cream" e "Coconut")

3-5 gotas de corante alimentício (se quiser), ou vocês podem usar o suco de frutas vermelhas (0,5 colher de chá)

How to make handmade lip balm. Recipe and tutorial.

Preparation: Put a vaseline in any dish (I took a glass) and place it in the microwave for 1 minute to melt. In a minute we take out, and we see that it is not fully melted. So, just stir it, the heat of the glass will melt all. Add the oil to the vaseline and then the fragrances. And at the end (optional) the colorant. The colorant is dissolving not very good in the oily mass, so if you are not sure that you can mix it well then don't add it. Ultimately, you don't really need this colorant. Pour the mass in the jars for a balm and put them in the fridge to freeze.

Preparação: derreter a vaselina no microondas, misture com outros ingredientes. Se vocês realmente não precisam de corantes é melhor não usar, devido aos mesmos não se diluirem bem com óleo. Despeje a massa em frascos e coloque na geladeira.

Handmade lip balm in home

Handmade lip balm is ready! Remember that vaseline is made ​​from synthetic oils, so specific flavor will remain on the lips. So if you're planning any dinner or kisses - this balm is not suitable for such cases. I personally will use this balm for situations where I have weather-beaten lips. Balm returns the softness to the lips very very quick, I checked it on myself. I was very glad, because my lips almost all the time are dry. Oil with a Vitamin E nourishes the lips and the vaseline creates a protective slick. This remedy is rather preventive but not cosmetic. I want to try to make a wax-based lip balm in future, so it will be more natural =)

Have you ever made handmade lip balm? Did you like? I will wait for your replies and comments=)

Este bálsamo é muito bom para prevenção a secagem dos lábios. A vaselina tem o sabor sintético, por isso é melhor usá-lo apenas como o tratamento, mas não como os cosméticos. Vocês já fizeram bálsamo labial natural? Gostaram? Eu vou esperar pelas vossas respostas e comentários =)

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Take care of your beauty! Amo e beijo! Love&kisses!=* Meow :3