Make-up of the week. Sexy smokey eyes

Hi, my lovely kittens! How is your weekend? =) So, today I decided to share with you pics of the one of my fave make-up - sexy smokey eyes. You can use any color! First one makeup is in mint-blue-green shades.

Ola, gatinhas! =* Hoje, vou compartilhar com voces as minhas maquiagem favoritas. A maquiagem dos olhos esfumaçados.

One of the classic - brown smokey eyes. I love this one!

olhos esfumaçados castanhos

Trendy purple smokey eyes. Excellent party's makeup.

olhos esfumaçados cor-de-roxa

Classic deep black smokey eyes. Absolutely adorable!

olhos esfumaçados classicos pretos

Grey blue smokey eyes is good for light eyes. It's good for normal days.

olhos esfumaçados azuis escuros

What a makeup did you like more, kittens? Why?=) I will wait for your comments!

O qual é a maquiagem que vocês gostaram mais, gatinhas? Por quê? =) Eu vou aguardar pelos vossos comentários!

Don't for get to follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin!

Take care of your beauty! Love&kisses! Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3