My top 5 make-up of this week

Hi, my lovely kittens! How is your weekend? =) I did today a mani with a gradient of purple color, which was done not very well, so I decided "to train" to make various interesting mani, to share them with you =) Not so simple, as I understood=)) Well, today I have for the third time the traditional "hit-parade" of makeups. So in this post I have most of all an unusual makeup. The first of these is a stunning theatrical or fancy makeup. I can't even compare it with anything, so I will be glad to see your comments, how to call this lovely image in shades of black (which doesn't make it dark!)?

Ola, gatinhas! =* Hoje, vou compartilhar com voces as minhas maquiagem favoritas. Top-5 das minhas makeup favoritas. A primeira maquiagem é muito dramatica. Ela é feita em sombras pretas.

maquiagem em sombras pretas

I love summer's bright shades of makeup, so the next image in my ranking of makeups is in sunny yellow tones.A maquiagem em tons de sol.

maquiagem em tons de sol amarelo

And one more makeup with a yellow color, but in this time the yellow color appears only as accent. And the bright-pink lips. This is a triumph of neon colors =) However, the shape of the eyeliner's flicks brings us back to the images in a retro-style. A maquiagem colorida em estilo pin-up.

Maquiagem colorida em estilo pin-up

In spite of the summer, I can't stop loving makeup in the style of the Snow Queen. Cold shimmering shades are very refreshing! A maquiagem de Snow Queen.

Maquiagem de Snow Queen

One of my favorite make-up is a classic makeup of Megan Fox: smokey eyes and sensual lips. A melhor makeup de Megan Fox.

A melhor makeup de Megan Fox

What a makeup did you like more, kittens? Why?=) I will wait for your comments!

O qual é a maquiagem que vocês gostaram mais, gatinhas? Por quê? =) Eu vou esperar por vossos comentários!

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Take care of your beauty! Love&kisses;! Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3