Oatmeal mask. Save very thin hair

Hi, my dear! Today is a day off, I decided to pamper my hair and made a mask for volume hair. The effect was great and I thought that this recipe can be a good solution for those who have very thin hair.

Ola, gatinhas! Hoje, vou compartilhar com vocês como para salvar o cabelo muito fino

Oatmeal mask for very thin hair.

5 tbsp of an oat flour (grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or buy ready-made)

2 egg yolks

3-4 tbsp of an almond oil

10 drops of essential oil of peppermint.

Application: Mix ingredients and apply the mix to the hair, giving priority to the scalp. Cover with a plastic wrap and a towel for warmth and wait for 1 hour. Wash off the mask first with cold water, and then rinse the head with your regular shampoo and use a conditioner. Wipe the hair with a towel, and use hair dryer, keeping head down. This way you can fix the volume of hair.

All ingredients nourish the hair, oats and oils protect, creating some "wrap", which makes the structure of the hair thicker. Essential oil of peppermint increases blood flow to the scalp, quickening metabolism and contributing to the rapid penetration of nutrients into the roots and structure of hair.

What do you use to increase the volume of very thin hair?

O que e que vocês usam para salvar o cabelo muito fino?

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3