One of the best ways to stimulate hair growth. Russian remedy

Hi, my beauties! Today I want to publish a recipe of a mask that will be a great help to those who want to grow hair. Mask to accelerate the growth of hair, which I am sharing with you is made up of proven ingredients and for russian girls is the one of the best ways to stimulate hair growth. Recent time in russian blogs of natural cosmetics we can read pretty much reviews of the mask for the hair growth - "sleeping" follicles awake, and actively growing ones are strengthened to prevent their premature loss. So, let's get started! ;)

One of the best ways to stimulate hair growth. Russian remedy

1 medium onion

1 tbsp of mustard powder

5 tbsp of burdock oil

1 tbsp of avocado oil

Application: Chop the onion in a blender to a pulp's state, mix with the mustard powder and oils. Apply the mask directly to the scalp, massaging the skin. After wrap your head with a plastic wrap or wear a plastic cap and also wrap a towel. According to reviews - for someone onions and mustard create the effect of burning, for some do not - I personally felt hot, but it was quite bearable. Such a mask is kept for long time - from an hour or more. Mask is washed off with a regular shampoo (for normal or oily hair). To get rid of the smell of onions, you can rinse your hair with a solution of a vinegar =)

Girls, I am russian, and the English is not my native language, so if you will found mistakes - feel free to show me them to correct! =)

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3