Preparing the hair to the Christmas parties. Yeast hair mask

Hi, my dear beauties! I keep posting about New Year and Christmas preparation, and I share with you, my sun kittens =**, interesting and useful information to help you prepare for the Cristmas and celebrate the coming year in the best way ;) Yeast hair mask, which and I'm going to try a few days later, was found by me on the Internet, and I am pleased to share it with you! We all want our hair look heavenly in any hairstyle ;)

Preparing the hair to the Christmas parties. Yeast hair mask

1 cup of a liquid yogurt

2 tbsp of yeast

1 tbsp of white clay

Application: Mix the yeast and the yogurt and put for half an hour in a warm place. Wait until the yeast ferment and until bubbles appear. Add the clay in the mixture, and apply the mask on the dry hair from roots to tips. Wrap your head with a plastic wrap and a towel for a warmth. After 1 hour wash your hair and rinse your hair with a solution of a green tea (1 cup of brewed tea per 1 liter of water). This mask will significantly improve the appearance of the hair ;) All deficiencies will smooth and the hair will be shiny and much stronger.

Tell me, what remedies do you use, to bring you in the best appearance as soon as possible?=))))

Girls, I am russian, and the English is not my native language, so if you will found mistakes - feel free to show me them to correct! =)

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin!

Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3