Review. Lancome Teint Idole foundation

Hi, my sweet kittens! So, finally I decided to start make reviews of cosmetic that I buy in Portugal and in Russia. The first review that I want to do it's a review of the Lancome Teint Idole foundation. I've got the tester and I'd like to share my opinion with you=)

The first event, where I tested this foundation was my own wedding. Sure, I risked to use unknown cosmetic without testing before, but this foundation didn't disappoint me. It was keeping on my face from 9 a.m till 8 p.m. without any problem. So, it is matched to its name "Teint Idole Ultra 24 H"

As for the texture: oily texture creating a dense covering. The cream is distributed evenly over the skin, not accumulating in the folds. In my opinion, it's ideal as a base for evening make-up, or day make-up if you are going to carry it till the night. The firm Lancome in general proved own quality, judging by the reviews, so that this cosmetic was no exception. A little advantage this foundation-cream is not greasy. That is, if you will hug your old friend, you will not leave half the make-up on his jacket :D

Small "spatula", for an extraction of the foundation from the jar and applying on the skin is also a little bonus. It makes possible to put the cream into individual areas of the face that you need to hide. In this case you can forget about a corrector, this foundation is dense and stable and it should be enough to cover all deficiencies. Also it has a SPF-filter with a level of protection 15. I didn't see disadvantages of this liquid foundation, I think this one cosmetic is good for everyone, especially for girls with a dry skin.

Take care of your beauty! Love&kiss;! Meaow=*