Review of this month: Japanese skin care cosmetics by Kinuyuki

Kittens, the last two weeks of testing of the japanese brand Kinuyuki's products (that I'd received for my review from the Asian online store are over. Now is the time for me to share my experiences, and tell you what I liked and I did not like, and what was an unexpected surprise. Advance I want to warn the faint-hearted ones - I decided to attach the photos "before" and "after" in my post (after much thought "to be or not to be", I am still a beauty-blogger, and I should bring you the beauty, not to scare people with frightening pictures of me without makeup). You can imagine yourselves how the girl looks without a makeup =) So, if you're interested, I invite you to continue reading.

I remind, that the composition and description of the products you can find in my previous post on this topic, I will not overload my review with repetitive and unnecessary info. Let's go in order.

Let's start with the tonic Kinuyuki Hydro Clarifying Toner. I applied it after washing and after cleaning the face in order to narrow the pores. This tonic fully justifies the proud title of "tonic". It instantly, yes, instantly refreshes the skin! I was feeling the moisturizing, skin noticeably was becoming elastic and also I was feeling a cooling effect like from a menthol. It contains no alcohol, so this tonic brings the skin only positive feelings. Flavor of this tonic is light - it just smells like cucumber and herbs. For me, with my dislike of strong smells of cosmetics this was a pleasant surprise.

Kinuyuki Hydro Clarifying Toner

Following the tonic the last two weeks I used Kinuyuki Face Cataract Aqua Gel. I have to say, I'm not versed in skin care remedies that really give an immediate effect, so I was mildly shocked by my feelings. This gel is a little bit sticky, and applying it, except of the powerful moisturizing (I do not know if you can feel how the skin is filling with moisture, but I could feel it!) I felt a little peel on the face, because of which I was a bit puzzled at first, but then it disappeared, and I realized that this is the herbal mucilage, which forms a protective coating and prevents moisture to "evaporate" from the skin. After using this pair of skin care products the most desirable matte skin is long maintained.

Kinuyuki Face Cataract Aqua Gel

I want to report separately on the "side effect" (?) of this sweet couple. I have often mentioned in my articles about my acne-prone skin, and for me was a pleasant surprise that after some time of the using of gel and tonic Kenuyuki the redness and rashes began to disappear. This effect has not been declared by the manufacturer (although the founder of the brand Mr.Masaaki Fukuhara, who was a chemistry professor in Japan, took the meanings as his objective to "formulate products to make skin smooth, exquisite, tender and pure like silky-snow"), but these two products are really so take care about the skin, that it just stops to be capricious and to respond to all with the rash. Here is a couple of pics to compare the skin before using the product Kinuyuki and after. "Before" my skin was oily, and there were many different redness and small pimples. "After" skin is more matte and a lot of redness was gone. I really hope that in time all this trouble will leave me for good and all.

Before and After Kinuyuki

In the parcel along with a couple of products Kinuyuki also a miniature of Clinique Liquid Facial Soap had come, and I will write a few words about it. Let me start by saying that I've received a version of the gel for dry combination skin (dry on the cheeks and oily in T-zone), although my entire the skin is oily. I thought it was not work to clean the oil from my skin, but surprisingly after using this gel, I felt such a drying effect, that I was even surprised, and then I was thinking what the people with a really dry skin feel using this gel? The gel dries and tightens the skin, after I could save it just using the gel and tonic Kinuyuki, which restore the skin moisture and soften it. In general, I have not the warmest feelings to the gel Clinuque, but remember that the relationship with the cosmetics is individual for everybody, and the same product may not be suitable for all unconditionally.

Clinique Liquid Facial Soap

Summary about Kinuyuki: not for nothing we are praised the Asian cosmetics in general, and in particular the Japanese one! The creators use latest technological advances to develop products, and the effect of the use of these products exceeds the effect of mass-market products. Though they cost a bit more expensive ;) I recommend!

Do you like to use Asian cosmetics?