Russian beauty recipes. Hair mask with honey

Hello, kittens! Well, it's a next week and I wish you all to spend it interesting =) I'll start this week with the publication of an useful recipe of a hair mask with honey. We all know that honey is rich with vitamins and beneficial trace elements that nourish the hair and are able to improve their appearance after a single application of a mask. Plus, honey has a dignity lighten hair alittle bit. According to reviews it lightens not all hairs, but from personal experience I would say that after the honey lightening, my hair really looks lighter. Though not so much, but still.

Hoje, vou compartilhar a receita da máscara de mel, que ajuda cabelo olhar-se mais saudável, forte e brilhante. Esta máscara faz o cabelo mais claro.

a receita russa da máscara de mel

But let's back to our mask. Immediately I shall explain about a discomfort that arises with using recipes with the honey - honey masks flow down from the hair terrible. Therefore, be sure that you have for this case unnecessary towel to wrap the neck and protect clothing and the surrounding area from ​​the drops of honey.

Recipe of hair mask with honey:

3 tbsp of yogurt (3 colheres de sopa de iogurte)

1 tbsp of honey (1 colher de sopa de mel)

0.5 tsp of apple cider vinegar (0,5 colher de chá de vinagre de maçã)

Application: Mix ingredients and apply them on the dry (this is important) hair. You can start from the tips of hair, so they will get more "goodies". Wrap the hair with a plastic wrap, and after with a towel. Oh, and don't forget to wrap the second towel around your neck to protect clothing. After a half an hour wash off the mask, and wash your hair as usual.

Aplicação: Misture os ingredientes e aplique-os na seca (isto é importante) cabelo. Enrole o cabelo com um filme plástico, e depois com a toalha. Ah, e não se esqueça de usar a segunda toalha ao redor do seu pescoço para proteger a roupa. Depois de uma meia hora lavar a máscara e lavar o cabelo como de costume. Vou aguardar os seus commentarios!

Yogurt is good base for masks. Honey and apple cider vinegar nourish hair, returning power and radiance to hair. After using this mask hair becomes stronger and looks smooth and more healthy. I will wait for your comments! Have you ever use the hair mask with honey?

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Take care of your beauty! Love&kisses! Amo e beijo! =* Meow :3