Russian recipes. Apple facial mask

Hi, kittens! So, as promised I will share with you a recipe of an apple facial mask, for fresh look of the skin. The mask is easy, and I think apples are available everywhere.

Ola, gatinhas! Hoje, vou compartilhar a receita da máscara de maçã para o rosto.

Apple facial mask

Clear the apple peel and take away seeds, grind in a blender. For dry skin, mix the pulp of apples with 1 tsp of an olive or almond oil, for oily skin with a white of 1 egg, for problem skin with 1 tsp of a green clay. Apply it on your face and leave it for 30 minutes. Then wash off and use your favorite moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type. Apple contains a large quantity of fruit acids, vitamins,an iron, has antibacterial effects and improves the complexion. By the way, you can fix the result, using the tonic from a green tea (brew a green tea, cool and apply on the face). For oily skin you can freeze ice from a green tea and wipe the skin.

Have you ever use the apple facial mask?

Já usaram máscara de maçã para o rosto?

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3