Russian recipes. Homemade mask for hair loss

Hi, my dear kittens! This post is dedicated to the infamous problem of hair loss, with which each was facing at least for once in life. I'll share the recipe of a homemade masks for hair loss that will help you solve this problem. But if this mask (like any other cosmetic products) will not help you, it may not be a lack of vitamins and a hair's weakness, but another factors that the only specialist trichologist will help you solve them.

Russian recipes. Homemade mask for hair loss

Homemade mask for hair loss

5 tbsp a liquid yogurt

1 tbsp an almond oil

1 tsp a ground red pepper

10 drops of essential oil of a peppermint

Application: Mix ingredients, apply an the damp washed hair, wrap with a plastic wrap and a towel and keep it for an hour. Mask will burn and chill the scalp. Therefore, the feeling will be mixed. Peppermint oil and pepper will increase a blood circulation into the scalp, helping nutrients to penetrate into the hair roots, strengthening them. Over time, your roots will become stronger and your hair will stop falling out.

Girls, I am russian, and the English is not my native language, so if you will found mistakes - feel free to show me them to correct! =)

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3