Russian recipes. How to make a face mask with oatmeal

Hello, my beautiful kittens! Here and now, finally, the weekend, and we can waste more time not only for relaxing, but for our beauty =) Many of the beauty procedures (such as masks, peels, or the use of scrubs) are good to use them once a week. That's why the weekend is the best time. So, today I will share the recipe of the mask that is very popular among russian beauties. I will share it, because I tried out on myself and I will tell you about the effect that I had reached. So, let's begin to study how to make a face mask with oatmeal.

Ola, gatinhas! Hoje vou compartilhar com vocês uma receita das meninas russas e vou escrever como fazer a máscara de aveia. Vamos passar este fim de semana cuidar da nossa beleza! Fique comigo! ;)

Receitas russas. Como fazer a máscara de aveia

Oatmeal is a favorite cereal of englishwomen, and it's right, because the oat contains so many useful vitamins! And that's why this product is very popular among russian girls - fans of natural masks. My skin needs moistening, nutrition, and also a maintaining the elasticity (I already see the first wrinkles on my face). Therefore, oatmeal is my choice.

How to make a face mask with oatmeal:

1 tsp of a yogurt (1 colher de chá de iogurte)

1 tsp of an oatmeal (1 colher de chá de aveia)

1 tsp of a honey (1 colher de chá de mel)

1 tsp of an almond oil (1 colher de chá de óleo de amêndoa)

Preparation: Mix an oatmeal with a yogurt and leave them to swell. Then add a honey and an almond oil, mix all and apply the mask on a clean face. Leave for half an hour. At this time, you can do some light workout or dance listening fave music, or maybe read a book - everything you like;) Personally, I try to spend those moments of a waiting for a little physical exercises =) It's food for a shape of the body, moreover, workout increases a blood flow that helps skin "pick up" more "goodies" from the mask.

Preparação: Misture a aveia com iogurte e deixe-a inchar. Em seguida, adicione o mel e o óleo de amêndoas, misture tudo e aplique a máscara sobre o rosto limpo. Espere meia hora. Qual o efeito que se pode esperar? A máscara vai tornar a pele mais elástica, suavizando pequenas rugas. Ela nutre, alivia a descamação e acalma a pele seca, aperta os contornos faciais. As suas vitaminas melhoram as glândulas sebáceas e apoiam a produção do colágeno. O iogurte ajuda a alinhar a cor da face e deixa a sua pele mais clara.

Speaking about "goodies". What effect can you expect? Such a face mask of oatmeal will make the skin more elastic, smoothing out small wrinkles. Thanks to the almond oil this mask nourishes, relieves peeling and soothes a dry skin, due to the small effect of contraction the mask with oatmeal tightens facial contours. Vitamins, which are contained in honey, oats and oil, will undoubtedly help to improve the sebaceous glands, will support collagen's production and generally will help the skin look better. Yogurt helps to align the color of the face, and even a little to bleach the skin. By the way, for those who wants to get a noticeable whitening effect (in the summer a lot of freckles appear because of the sun, and not all girls love them) you can add in the mask with oatmeal a lemon juice (from a few drops to 0.5 tsp, depending of the sensitivity of the skin). And don't forget about allergies! If you have problems with portability of these ingredients - some of them can be deleted or replaced.=)

So, now you know how to make a face mask with oatmeal, and I will wait for you replies and comments with your impressions=)

Então, agora vocês sabem como fazer a máscara de aveia, e eu vou aguardar as respostas e comentários sobre vossas impressões =)

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses! Amo e beijo! =* Meow :3