Simple and fast hair mask for shine

Hi, kittens! Today, I am sharing with you the recipe of a hair mask for shine, which is suitable not only to owners of the naturally dry hair, but also to those who spoiled the hair with a dyeing or with a long stay in the sun on the beaches.

Ola, gatinhas! Hoje, vou compartilhar convosco a receita da mascara para os cabelos secos. Este tratamento vai ajudar os cabelos a ficarem mais brilhantes.

For dry hair is very important a deep nutrition, which will help to smooth and restore damaged hair and give them a shine.

Simple and fast hair mask for shine

1 avocado

1 egg yolk

1 tbsp. of olive or almond oil

Mash an avocado, mix it with an egg yolk and an oil, and apple this mixture on the hair, giving priority to the tips. Wait an hour and a half. Rinse it with a cool (this is important!) water. Avocado will wrap and smooth structure of the hair, and it contains nutrients that saturate the basal part of the hair with vitamins. The yolk will also nourish the hair, as well as oil, which adds the hair shine.

Tips: Try to wash your dry hair less times, so that the natural oil of the scalp could be distributed over the entire length of hair. After all - all the vitamins are absorbed not by the hair but by the scalp. If you rinse away the natural oil, your hair will be dull and lose their natural shine, at least use a professional shampoo that will help clean the hair without washing away the natural oil. Protect your hair from the sun, wind and rain. Whatever sexuality of loose curls - eventually, your hair will just lose the beauty. Give them at least a day rest per week, and they will say "thank you!" ;)

What a recipe for shine hair do you use?

Qual a receita da mascara para os cabelos secos vocês usam?

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3