Tonic for skin. Homemade remedy for acne scars

Hi, my fave kittens! Yesterday my day was full of adventures - I was in mountains. I will prepare for you the post with beautiful pics. But today I am so tired, so I will not write very long posts, I will just share with you one little, but very useful recipe. Tonic for skin with an apple cider vinegar. This homemade remedy for acne scars is very simple, but in the same time is very effective.

Hoje, o meu post é sobre o tônico para pele. Remédio caseiro para cicatrizes de acne. Isto remédio é muito eficaz e opera nas profundezas da pele. Espero a receira vai ajudar-vos. Fique comigo ;) Amo e beijo=**

For making this tonic you need just mix 1 part of the mineral water with 2 parts of the apple cider vinegar, and the tonic for skin is ready! Apply it every day (in the morning and in the evening) on the skin, free from cosmetic. Apple cider vinegar contains the acid, that have a peeling effect. It will kill dead cells, and this remedy is different from the a scrub that the scrub removes just cells on the surface of the skin, but apple cider vinegar works deeper. And it is able to remove acne scars, if you will use it daily. Also this very popular in Russia remedy is full of vitamins, minerals (potassium, iron, calcium), and antioxidants. So your skin will get all the support - cleansing, nutrition with vitamins, antiaging effect and also is a good prevention from the new acne.

Sometimes I add in the mix of apple cider vinegar and water one spoon of the honey. Yes, I need to rinse it after application, but the effect.. The honey has antibacterial effect (in Middle ages they used it for the wounds' treatment), and also it is full of vitamins, that our skin needs. If you will use this mix then your skin will be clean, soft and shiny.

Apple cider vinegar is the one of my fave homemade remedy for acne scars. You need to use this tonic every day and you will see the effect already after one week. So, I would be glad if you will write me if this remedy will help you. =) What the result you've got?

Então, eu ficaria feliz se vocês vão escrever-me se este remédio caseiro para cicatrizes de acne vai ajudá-lo. =) É interessante para mim qual o resultado que vocês têm.

Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses=** Meow :3