Two amazing hair strengthening masks

Hi, my lovely kittens! Today I want to share with you recipes for the health and beauty of your hair. Hair strengthening masks will undoubtedly help you to improve the condition of your hair in the harsh winter time =) Take a note ;)

Two amazing hair strengthening masks

Mask #1 "Avokado mask"

Everybody knows I'm crazy fan of an avocado, both the fruit (yes, it's a fruit ;), and its oil, which is a great remedy for the hair, as I have already written. So avokado hair mask.

1 avocado

5 tbsp of avocado oil

2 egg yolks

Application: whisk all ingredients in a blender and apply on the hair - from root to tips. This nourishing and firming mask should be kept for a long time - 1 hour or longer, how much you have the time and patience. Mask is washed off with a cool water first, and then you can wash your hair the usual way for yourself.

Mask #2 "Honey-Banana"

Yeah, I just love honey and bananas =) And they are permanent "residents" of my frige. That is why they so often get in the my favorite masks ;) Of course, honey and bananas and the enormous amount of vitamins and minerals within them - it's just a storage room of goodies for the hair! So, honey banana mask.

1 banana

2-4 tbsp of honey

2-4 tbsp of almond (also is my favorite!) oil

Application: as is the case with avokado mask - whisk all the ingredients in a blender and apply the mixture on the hair, all the way from roots to tips (if your hair is very long, simply increase the number of ingredients, keeping proportions). A mask can be kept an hour or longer, it is washed off with a warm water. Don't forget to use the shampoo and conditioner! ;)

Which masks do you like to use in a winter time?=)

Girls, I am russian, and the English is not my native language, so if you will found mistakes - feel free to show me them to correct! =)

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3