Whitening face masks. Recipes, tips and video

Recently, the fashion for tan disappears. Is this related to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, or everybody is tired of "grilled chickens", but either way, more and more women want to preserve their natural aristocratic pallor. Today the heroes of my publication are whitening face masks. Remedies that help even the complexion after a failed sun tan, reduce the problem of pigmentation and freckles, and simply return the skin freshness.

Whitening face masks. Recipes, tips and video

Whitening face masks

I'll give you two recipes with the most popular ingredients. Also you can try to make a strawberry mask (just crush berries and apply on face for 10 minutes), which is also known for its bleaching properties.

Whitening face mask #1

1 tbsp of lemon juice (freshly squeezed)

1 tbsp of sour cream (or natural yougurt)

1 tsp of honey

Preparation and application

Mix the ingredients and apply on face. The mask can flow down, so use paper towels, so as not to stain your clothes. The mask is kept for 10 minutes. All ingredients of this mask have whitening properties, in addition, this mask will act how light peeling. Rinse it with warm water, use toner, and apply your favorite moisturizer.

Whitening face mask #2

1 tbsp of chopped cucumber

1 tsp of yogurt

1 tsp of oatmeal

Preparation and application

Mix the ingredients and wait for 5 minutes to let the oatmeal swell, and the mask become less liquid. Apply the mask to clean face and keep it for 10-15 minutes. Cucumber and yogurt - excellent natural whitening remedies for skin.

Video: Natural home made whitening mask

Also I recommend to watch a video-recipe and beauty tips how to make a whitening mask for the face.

Do you use whitening remedies for the face?

I wish you a good day, cuties! ♥ I love you! ♥ Meow!