Lightening hair with lemon juice. My review

Author: Eva Tornado

Hi, my lovely kittens! You probably already understood, looking at my picts, I’m hard growing my own hair. I’m tired to kill my hair with chemical clarifiers, and I had to abandon the dream of having a snow white hair in the name of health and beauty of my hair. However, I didn’t abandon the idea of making my hair just a little lighter than my natural dark blond color, and I decided to try natural remedies from the folk “arsenal”.

Ola, gatinhas! Hoje vou escrever sobre o clareamento do cabelo com com suco de limão e os meus pensamentos sobre este remédio.

o clareamento do cabelo com com suco de limão

My first experience in a couple of months ago, it was lightening hair with lemon juice and honey. I mix the lemon juice with 3 tbsp of a honey, and applied on the head, and I was waiting 8 hours. The honey was flowing away mercilessly, but I used a towel. The result of this was a little lightening: maybe one or two tones, but, rather, it gave my hair golden light. In any case, I decided, honey masks are very useful =)

Yesterday I decided to make a lightening hair with lemon juice only. I peeled lemon, and cut it into several chunks - so it’s easier to squeeze out the juice. I squeezed out the juice, and took away all seeds. I applied it on dry hair from the roots. I had a lot of juice, so I’m used it completely for all the hair. I didn’t close the hair, I just braided it, and the juice slowly dried up. At this time I was visiting the russian forums and reading reviews and impressions of the use of the lemon juice to lighten hair. Reviews, recipes and tips were so different, that I almost moved wisely. And the girls, sometimes, talking and advised opposite things! A huge number of recipes based on the lemon juice, from which the eyes diverge. Look, it’s the only one “friendly” advice that provides maximum lighting - “I added hydrogen peroxide to the lemon juice”. Of coooooourse, this is the lemon is bleaching! *_* I think that is what made me write my impressions today and to speak - yes, lemon juice lightens the hair. No, the lemon juice doesn’t corrode the hair, because it consists of malic and citric acids in small quantities. Moreover, citric acid is the one of the weak organic acids.

Ironically, they drink a water with the lemon juice with an empty stomach to neutralize the acid and to create an alkaline environment in the stomach, because the citric acid increases the production of potassium carbonate neutralizing acids. But malic and citric acids still remain acids, and enzymes of the lemon juice, interacting with natural dyes (including the pigment “melanin” that colors our hair and skin) lighten them. That is why a lot of whitening toothpastes, creams for freckles and age spots and other cosmetic products are based on the lemon juice. If you lighten hair with the lemon juice, and didn’t see results, it’s mean that your hair pigmentation is much more resistant than others, and a simple lightening with the lemon juice will not have a succes. My hair is quite sensitive to the lightening, so now, when I’m writing this post, I already see the result - my hair is lighter. But I want to consolidate the effect sitting in the sun a little bit =) Today is a good day for tanning in Porto =)

o clareamento do cabelo com com suco de limão. Resultado, efeito

Posso dizer: Sim, vocês podem clarear o cabelo com o suco de limão. E não, o suco de limão não corrói o cabelo. Se esse remédio não ajudá-los, isso significa que o vosso tipo de cabelo está resistir ao clareamento. Use o suco de limão no vosso cabelo e apanhe sol =) Alguma vez vocês já usaram o clareamento do cabelo com com suco de limão? Vou aguardar pelos vossos comments=)

Have you ever use a lightening hair with lemon juice? tell me about the results! ^^

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses =* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3

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I look forward to your comments, beauties!

comments: 12

  1. Your Name

    OMG it reallly works!!! Cool!


    • Eva Tornado

      Yes, and I am really glad it :D thank you for your comment =*

  2. Ruth Johnston

    yes I have lightened my hair with lemon juice over the years.. but the only negative thing is that you have no control over the shade and could end up with straw like yellow hair..
    Why don’t you just have a few highlights, lighter through the front so that you feel blonde ..or under the top section so that you don’t get roots… A good colourist could do this for you without damaging your hair
    Hope this helps xx

    • Eva Tornado

      Thank you for the comment=) Now I prefer to make everything without chemical stuff, because I heard about colorist different reviews, so I don’t have person who I would trust=) Maybe in future. Portugal is the country of the dark hair, so it’s har to find the people who can works with a natural slavic blond. Anyway, I like the result of the lemon juice, and I can repeat - this is not universal remedy, a lot of people who has bad result.=) The main thing is to find own way ;)

  3. Anisha

    how long you do keep the lemon for .? and i have black hair would it work..? o_O

    • Eva Tornado

      Hi, Anisha! I am a blonde, so with my hair it works, but for the black one it will not work… Because the black pigments are very intensive! Thank you for your comment =** Kisses

  4. Claudia

    How long does it take to see a difference?

    • Eva Tornado

      I did it three times with one-two hours of keeping the juice on my hair and walking under the sun=)

  5. Mandy

    Hi. I have natural brown hair that i have never dyed. yesterday I went to the beach and sprayed lemon juice with a bit of olive oil on my hair. I sat in the sun for around 4 hours. I washed my hair later on and today I noticed a whole bunch of white dots lined up on the strands of my hair where I sprayed the lemon on. My hair looks do damaged now! This has only happened to me once before when I put my hair in very hot water. …
    Did this happen to you? Would you happen to know what this is or how I can treat it?.. I want your results from the picture but did you sit in the sun? For how long?was your hair soaked in it? How often did you do this for to get the light hair? Did you notice anything different in your hair? more dry, for example? ..
    All Advise is Appreciated!!!! Thank you four your time! :-))

    • Eva Tornado

      Lemon can’t damage the hair =) I think the dots you’ve seen and visible damages are just a result that you didn’t rinse the lemon juice well from the hair and after this juice had dried and turned into the white powder, that placed in the cracks of the hair =) Is normal situation for me=) After few washings you will see your hair will look better=) Use conditioners and any else your normal hair care=))

  6. Alexis

    Hey Eva I’m 15 and I’m biracial (white and black) and I have curly 3b hair with wavy patterns in the front and my hair used to be black when I was little and now going to high school(I’ll be in the 10th grade come a few days later-September-and the sun lightened my hair immensely! Just the sun made a tremendous difference (which is totally explainable since I live in The Bahamas and it’s super hot especially in the summer-times)it’s like golden light-ish brown but my roots are growing back slightly darker and the tips in the front are very light and some blonde and I wanted to achieve this beautiful golden-caramel/honey-tinted tone all over. I sat in the sun for an hour (30minutes for the back side of my hair with the middle portions, and 30 minutes for the front side) I mixed the juice of a fresh sliced lemon with about a cup of bottled lemon juice and I poured it all over my hair and flipped it all downwards to rest in the sun. I was very confident that this process would work very well on my hair since the sun lightened it very well. Do you think that it would take longer to take effect on curlier hair like mine? I kno the sun will lighten it much more in the near future but I would love it much much sooner! I don’t want to use peroxide anymore since some of the harsh comments I’ve read about it. Do you have any suggestions that you think would be very helpful? And the do’s and don’ts of this process? Please tell me everything you know! Thanks! :)

    • Eva Tornado

      Hi, my dear Alexis! I am natural blond so the sun + lemon juice work the best for me. I am pretty sure that lemon acid is a natural “lightener” and it always works, just maybe with different intensity. Natural blondes need just few sessions, more dark hair needs more time =) I live in Portugal, there are most of all people are with brown skin and dark hair, but I often see people, who constantly visit beaches, they have not black, but already brown hair =) So, just because of the sun=) If we talk about natural remedies - all this takes time. =) I hope you will have patience =)) Also you can try to add honey in lemon juice. This is a great lightener too=)



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