Almond oil for stretch marks

Hi there, kittens! ;) Today I decided to write a little bit more about how you can support your skin when you are losing weight. I already wrote that acute weight swings are fraught with stretch marks, and if you have already found some you need to get rid of them until they get older. Almond oil is the one of the most exciting and available remedies. As an avocado oil a sweet almond oil for stretch marks is my fave. If you are lucky enough to avoid stretch marks, almond oil will help you prevent them. I decided to try one interesting method.

I have the white stretch marks on hips. It's not so easy to get rid of them. But if you have the pink or purple stretch marks, it's enough to rub into the skin a mix of 4 tablespoons of the sweet almond oil with essential oils of rosemary and grapefruit (4-5 drops of each). Almond oil is a good solvent for essential oils, and they are uniformly distributed over the skin. Grapefruit and rosemary essential oils improve a skin's tone and a collagen's production.

So I use more hard method. Compresses with the sweet almond oil. Dip a cotton cloth in a warmed almond oil and apply on the problem areas and wrap it up the wrap. It's advisable to stay warm one or two hours - I'm sitting under a blanket =) This compress is the part of the anti-stretch marks set and I do it once a week. About other ways that I use to get rid the stretch marks you can read in my previous article - how to get rid of stretch marks!

Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kiss! Meaow=*