How to: Get rid of stretch marks

Author: Eva Tornado

This trouble is important probably for every girl who is faced with the problem of changing the weight. The stretch marks appear during the fast changing weight, when the skin is trying to “change” its size, and is becoming thinner in some places, and these places are quickly filled with the connective tissue. And there are ugly purple (later white) “worms” on the skin in front of us.

I have problems with jumping of the weight a lot of years, as well the cosmetic flaws on the legs and buttocks, so the trouble how to remove stretch marks on the hips worries me a lot of the time. First I kept trying to get a suntan, having decided that a tan can disguise the stretch marks, but then I realized that UV makes my skin wearing out faster that reduces my chances to get rid of the stretch marks to zero.

I want to recommend some remedies for the stretch marks that helped me to reduce (and I hope to continue the struggle, to get rid of them at all) their number, and that helps not to get new ones.

A preventing the stretch marks is a thing much simpler than getting rid of them. Keep track of your weight: as of food, as of physical activity. Even if you always use diets, remember that the elasticity of your skin is depend of a getting fatty acids, which you can get only from vegetable oils, and foods (nuts, avocado, salmon and more), which contain a lot of healthy fats . If you decide to gain/lose weight - do it gradually! Don’t shock your skin, or with a beautiful figure you will get the stretch marks, and this will not be beautiful. Forget the “express methods” and “Get skinny in a week”. The comfortable losing weight is losing about 0,22 lb (100 grams) per day. Don’t forget about the sport: the muscles is a corset that will help you keep fit. Also, muscle tissue is a natural “furnace” for burning calories. Than more muscles you have, that more calories you need in a day.

Well, how to get rid of the stretch marks. The remedies that helped me.


1 cup of a sugar
1 cup of a salt
0.5 cup of an oil (I use a mixture of almond and avocado oils, but you can use any else, the fatty acids, which help the skin to recover are important for us).

Mix all, apply on your skin, and massage your problem areas. Then wash off and after the shower use a moisturizing cream or lotion. I use a homemade lotion (mix of the gel of aloe vera and oils), but sometimes I use the Body Butter Green Tea by Nature’s Intent. With daily using the scrub the result will be seen one month later.

If you have sensitive skin, and you can’t use the daily scrub, try to mix 1 tsp avocado oil (the closest in composition to the natural fat of a human skin) and a few drops (8-10) of essential oil of rosemary. Apply to problem areas and wait untill absorbed. Essential oil increases the flow of the blood and the tone. Usually they use it for cellulite, but for the stretch marks it’s also good.

So my main advice: do the daily physical exercises! I was a child my coach advised “Make abdominal muscles! And you will not get the stretch marks with a pregnancy, and it will facilitate the childbirth!”

Take care of your beauty! Love and kisses for you! Meaow=*

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comments: 3

  1. Your Name


  2. GirlGotStyle

    Love this! A scrub has certainly helped mine! I don’t think mine will ever disappear completely though, I’ve started to accept them. Such is life :)

    • Eva Tornado

      yes, sometimes we get the help from the remedies that we never try to trust in=)



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