Castor oil for hair treatment

Author: Eva Tornado

In Russia the castor oil and the burdock oil are the best oils, that are hair growth stimulants . Also, they are a part of hair treatment for a hair loss, a dandruff and other similar troubles. Actually, the oil masks are the one of the best stuffs for the hair, thanks to its high nutritional value and a content of essential fatty acids for the hair. Castor oil for hair growth is using since the age of the Ancient Egypt, it’s in Europe and Russia since the 16th century.

how to make hair shiny

Castor oil for hair and scalp. Applying

Castor oil is the one of the most inexpensive and easiest ways to improve the condition of the hair. That’s why almost all russian girls love it. The easiest way to use it to warm castor oil and apply on the scalp, then distribute it through the hair to the tips. Castor oil increases metabolism in the surface of the scalp, and in the warm form ( if you wrap your hear with plastic wrap and a towel) all nutrients will penetrate into the hair roots and scalp much faster. If you want to donate to your hair more useful staffs you can add to the oil the lemon juice, an apple cider vinegar (it’s just a warehouse of vitamins!), mix it with the burdock oil for hair, flax or other oils, to add a nutritious egg yolk or a little bit of fat yogurt. I love natural cosmetics and already know what the product is useful for skin, hair and general health. And every girl has some knowledge on this subject, so don’t be afraid to mix all the stuff you have in your fridge=) You will not make worse, but you can discover new features and a combination ;)

Hair treatment mask

Apart of the Russia the castor oil is not so popular. Most popular are an almond oil and an avocado oil for hair growth, to buy it a lot easier in Europe and in the USA. But if you have opportunity buy castor oil and try it! I’m using as the almond as well the avocado oil for hair and skin, and also for the eyelashes. I often add them to facial masks. Despite the fact that I have mixed skin, the avocado and almond oils have the similar composition to natural skin’s fat, and they don’t leave the skin look fat, and, of course, they bring the skin a lot of vitamins and minerals. I mix them together in equal proportions, to warm and apply on the hair. Sometimes I add a lemon juice and a honey (I like to lighten my hair with the honey and the lemon). All of this is a great “nutrition” for hair suffering from the summer sun, the winter frost, the ecology, the dyeing and hot hairstyles. Don’t forget to pamper your hair ;)

Take care of your beauty! I love and kiss you! Meaow=*

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comments: 7

  1. Khalid

    Hi Evo

    Thanks for sharing your beauty recipes.
    I have read a lot of them and I have a question here: After any Hair mask/treatment how do you clean your hair? Do you use a shampoo? If yes What’s your recommend for a good one?

    Thanks a lot,


    • Eva Tornado

      Hi! Yes, sure it’s important to wash away all the masks and treatment=) I use hair products of SYOSS, that I like and I trust=) But I can say that each hair has own likes or dislikes, so I tried a lot of marks before I started to use SYOSS=) Thank you for your visit and for your question =*

      • Khalid

        I’m so glad for your quick reply. Kiss)

        I love my wife and I love to dive the internet to get her a good ways to treat her hair and her beauty overall.
        My wife suffering from Hire losing. we try so many shampoos but no way.
        I emailed her your post “Russian beauty recipes. Hair mask with honey” I hope she will get a better result.
        I have added your Google+ page to my circle to never lose your posts.
        By the way Don’t you have any recipe for men (Hahhahahaa..

        Thanks again and I hope to be in touch

        Khalid Mohsin

        • Eva Tornado

          You know, you can try all of these recipes for your hair too=) Because all the hairs have the same structure=) Thank you a lot, I hope it will help to your wife’s hairs at least a little bit=) But if she has serious truobles, it’s better to visit a doctor, it can be stress or hormonal problems, then noone mask can help…

    • may

      hi .. im 18 and my hair is really thin.. its really embarassing and i dont get out of the house because i dont want to anyone to see my hair ..ive tried everything .. and nothing changes . help me please ?

  2. Josh

    I have been using castor oil for about 1.5 months now on my receded hairline. Hair has started to grow back, still quite thin but now I can actually see the new growth by looking in the mirror about 3 meters away. Getting thicker and creeping further forward to complete a full hairline again. I am 26 years old and had it receded for maybe 6 years. I didn’t really even think or notice it until I shaved my head and people asked what is up with that? I have a Jude Law style recede. So glad it is growing back because I really hate that thin strip in the center.

    So I just dip my finger into a bottle of castor oil once or twice a day and massage it into the areas I am wanting to grow back.

    Good luck everyone.

  3. Radha

    hi Evo,

    Thanks for sharing your beauty experience
    I also try your tips in my.



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