
Posts of the section ‘Travel’

Mission Gorongosa. Restoration of the National Park in Mozambique

Hello, kittens! Today, I write not about an european subject, but about of the world, and it is serious enough to write about it in the blog. Today I will talk about the project “Mission Gorongosa” aimed at restoring the eponymous national park in Mozambique.

Agora, o meu post é sobre a Missão Gorongosa - o projecto de Restauração da Parque Nacional da Gorongosa.

My walking. Portugal, Atlantic coast

Good night, my beauties! Today I had a wonderful walking on the beach and I decided to try to make a video for you to show you all the beauty of the Atlantic ocean and the portugal coast. Sure, neither my English nor my videography skills are not the best, but I hope this my little experience will let me in future make for you much better videos=) It’s very hard to shoot a video without a tripod… Anyway, this video will let you see all the beauty of the ocean, all the power of the nature, and you will like it! ^^

My walking. Mountains in Portugal

Hi, my lovely kittens! As I promised I share my pics from walking in mountains. I say “walking”, because it was really the walking. Porto is consist of two parts - coast and mountains. The district Valongo where we were is the part of Porto, so, it was just a walking, but not a real trip=)

Mountains in Portugal. Natural park Senhora do Salto

My walk on a beach in Porto, Portugal

Hi, kittens! So, finally I am starting to do my own pictures for you and talk about my walkings, interesting places that I love to visit. Today I will share the pics from my walking to the beach in Porto, Portugal. If you remember, I live in Porto (though I am russian ;). Now here is the hot weather and a lot of peoples are visiting beaches. So, I visited too ;)

Hoje, eu comecei a compartilhar com vocês as minhas fotos dos meus passeios. Hoje, quero compartilhar as fotos da praia do Porto, Portugal. A praia é na Madalena.

Places to visit: Ireland

Among all the places to visit Ireland takes a special places for me. Like a cradle of the european civilization, with the big history of celtic tribes, with the deep traditions of people living there, with a virgin nature. I love the nature and the architecture of Ireland most of all… Green fields, colorful wild orange flowers, white clouds is like reflection of the national flag of Ireland. Ancient Celtic altars, created thousands years ago as well the famous Stonehenge made from huge stones. And people - strong, like the rocks, that this island made from. When you are there you are just feeling that this place is so old like all the world….

Uma pequena foto-publicação sobre a natureza e a arquitetura da Irlanda, que são antigas como toda a civilização européia.

Natureza e arquitetura da Irlanda

Places to visit. England

Hi there, my pretty kittens! ^ ^ I decided to share my dreams about my beloved England with you. Since childhood I love English language, which I have started to learn in a kindergarten. I read a lot about the history, architecture and nature of England. From all countries of the United Kingdom I love it most. And I don’t associate England with London, for me england is the lands with beautiful nature, unique medieval architecture with a touch of the culture of the ancient angles and celts. Fans of Sherlock Holmes usually try to visit his apartment on Baker Street, and I dream to visit the places of actions of some of my fave stories: Devonshire (“The Hound of the Baskervilles”), Cornwall (“The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot”) and others. Probably only the small provincial towns have preserved the atmosphere of IXX-XX centuries, which I dream to feel…

Tower Bridge at Night, London, England

Places to visit. Spain

Spain is Ibiza for somebody, or is the FC “Barcelona” or FC “Real”, the cheap real estate or a delicious Mediterranean cuisine. I live in Portugal, and for me Spain is my beloved . And not just because it is in the neighborhood =) Just like the Portuguese culture, I love the Spanish one and most of all I like the architecture: a unique mix of styles, that is in these two southern countries.

Barcelona, Spain

Places to visit. Sweden

The one is my fave nordic countries is Sweden. Like for many people for me Stockholm is associated with roofs where Carlson lives, and also with the characters and events of the book of Stieg Larsson “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” as well as a film made based on this novel. But the main thing I always remember is old ancestors of the swedes: the vikings. I deeply respect their heritage, and not just because of films about the Thor, I like norse mythology a long time. Like Norway, Sweden is in my list of my fave countries. And not its cities and attractions, but more the wild nature.

Stockholm, Sweden

Places to visit. France

For lovers of fashion and beauty France is associated with Paris. For connoisseurs of cinema with Cannes. For gourmets France is Provence. For connoisseurs of the noble drinks it’s the province Champagne and the town Cognac. Except Paris and Provence, France is notable for its deep history. When I was teenager I read the historical novels of Jean-François Nahmias about the events of the Hundred Years War. And for me, France is associated with the Middle Ages, Bretagne, brave knights and beautiful ladies. And I love these places.

Place du Tertre, Paris, France

IV Feira Da Protecçao Сivil

Traditionally, there are in Matosinhos, Porto (where I live) they conducted an interesting festival for children and adults. Its name is IV Feira Da Protecçao Sivil that roughly translates as Festival of the Civil Defense. Organizers open stands with children’s drawings and DIY creations with the subject of Civil Defense and protection of the life, and representatives of law enforcement agencies and emergency services deliver there their technique and organize advisory boards. Anyone can approach them and ask questions.

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