Mission Gorongosa. Restoration of the National Park in Mozambique

Hello, kittens! Today, I write not about an european subject, but about of the world, and it is serious enough to write about it in the blog. Today I will talk about the project "Mission Gorongosa" aimed at restoring the eponymous national park in Mozambique.

Agora, o meu post é sobre a Missão Gorongosa - o projecto de Restauração da Parque Nacional da Gorongosa.

For those who don't know, I will say that Mozambique is a former colony of Portugal. Thats why many organizations (including government) of Portugal support this initiative. One of the partners of the program is a shopping center in Porto "NorteShopping". Actually, thanks to the administration of "NorteShopping", that organized the trial exhibition, I found out about this project, and I hasten to acquaint you with it. Also I wrote the same post in the russian part of my blog, I want everybody know about this mission.

Muitas organizações (incluindo o governo) de Portugal apoiam esta iniciativa. Um dos parceiros do programa é um centro comercial no Porto o "NorteShopping". Na verdade, graças à administração do "NorteShopping", que organizou esta exposição, eu descobri sobre este projeto, e apresso-me a familiarizá-vos com ele. Também escrevi o mesmo post na parte russa do meu blog, eu quero que todos conheçam sobre esta missão.

So, some infromation about the project that I've got from the Official site.

"The rehabilitation of Gorongosa National Park in Central Mozambique represents one of the great conservation opportunities in the world today. Gorongosa is a region of high species diversity and ecological features found nowhere else. The key to continued species diversity on the planet is to protect critical areas.

The 4,067 square kilometer Park is located at the southern end of the Great East African Rift Valley.

Seasonal flooding and waterlogging of the valley, which is composed of a mosaic of different soil types, creates a variety of distinct ecosystems. Grasslands are dotted with patches of acacia trees, savannah, dry forest on sands and seasonally rain-filled pans and termite hill thickets. The plateaus contain miombo and montane forests and a spectacular rain forest at the base of a series of limestone gorges.

This combination of unique features at one time supported some of the densest wildlife populations in all of Africa, including charismatic carnivores, herbivores and over 500 bird species. But large mammal numbers were reduced by as much as 95% and ecosystems stressed during Mozambique's many years of civil conflict at the end of the 20th Century".

Now the main task of the "Mission Gorongosa" to rehabilitate unique ecosystems and restore the population of the rare African animals and plants in their original form, as well as to establish an infrastructure for local residents to improve the working conditions of the project staff and locals. The mission has a great support of the government, public and academic institutions in many countries, as well as various non-profit organizations and sponsors, such as my favorite shopping center NorteShopping (they support lions' project of Gorongosa), that I visit almost every day. Big thank to all who support this important mission!

A tarefa principal da "Missão Gorongosa" é recuperar os ecossistemas únicos e restaurar a população de animais raros africanos e plantas na sua forma original, bem como estabelecer uma infra-estrutura para os moradores locais para melhorar as condições de trabalho da equipe do projeto e moradores. A missão tem um grande apoio do governo, instituições públicas e acadêmicas em diversos países, bem como várias organizações sem fins lucrativos e patrocinadores, como o meu favorito centro comercial NorteShopping (ele apoia o projecto leões da Garangosa), que visito quase todos os dias. Muito obrigada a todos que apoiam esta importante missão!

For everyone on the site of the National Park Gorongosa is open the possibility of direct donations to the account of the mission.

Todas as informações sobre esta missão e também a possibilidade de doar o fundo deste projeto, vocês podem encontrar no site oficial deste projeto. Link está abaixo.

Official site: https://ko-te.com/go.php?url=http://gorongosa.net

Thanks, that didn't pass by and read my little article! There is always something more important to our daily routine In our world, especially when it comes to saving our planet.

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Take care of yourself, kittens! Keep the goodness in your heart! Love&kisses! = * Meow :3