
Posts of the section ‘Health’

What to do if you have a headache?

Hello, kittens! Today I was all the day offline because my best friend - a migraine - visited me. Those who are familiar with this illness, know how is difficult to fight it, and how painfully endure every attack that turns you into a fixed crying creation. I was suddenly attacked by a migraine, and for the whole day trying to recover myself, I tried a lot of remedies. Below, I’ll tell you what to do if you have a headache.

O que fazer se tem uma dor de cabeça? Os conselhos e os remédios.

The best way to get rid of sunburn fast

Hello, my lovely kittens! We’ve got finally heat! ^ ^ I am already looking forward to tomorrow, and I am planning to spend my time at the beach. The sun gives us joy, gives a beautiful tan and helps the production of vitamin D. But sometimes it happens that the sun protection is failed, and the skin gets burn. So, today I decided to write about the best way to get rid of sunburn fast. Topic is very urgent, and I have enough experience to solve this problem, cuz for a long time, I was not using sunscreens =)

Para aqueles que falam português. Tratamentos para a queimadura. Conselhos e recomendações o que fazer se tem a queimadura.

How to protect oneself from the sun

This problem is important for nothern people especially, cuz it’s very hard for our body to protect oneself from the sun. I am a northern slav and I live in tropic Portugal, so I will share my secrets how I protect myself in the summer.

How to protect oneself from the sun

Blog. Healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle. For many people this phrase is associated with a complete rejection of the “earthly pleasures.” But I am (like a girl who prefers the healthy lifestyle) I am absolutely happy. I don’t need dope for to relax, to have fun, to have a good time.

Promised. 5 rules of a skin care of your feet

As I promised, I make a post about how I take care of my feet and why my feet’s skin is always soft and smooth. It should be noted that I generally don’t have problems with feet and legs as well. There is no varicose veins or corns or deformed joints. Probably, the main “secret” that since my childhood I loved to manipulate my toes: to pick up fallen things from the floor, to hold a dog’s collar, and even to pinch - everything I tried to do with my feet. It seemed funny. And until now I have a habit to do different exercises for the feet which always keep my feet in tone. And I don’t spend time for them, because I usually make exercises doing other activities in the same time and without noticing it. It has already become a habit. I noted this item separately, so that you understand that you need to spend time and effort for some things.

Stay slim? It’s easier than you think=)

There is just the one way to keep the shape of your body slim - to choose the natural nutrition. If the bigger part of your food would be natural and the way of your nutrition would be to eat often but with little volumes of the food then you would never need diets.

I understood this simple truth a lot of years ago and now (I am 27 years old) I don’t have problems with my shape. It’s the secret for nobody, that trans fats, chemical additives and preservatives that supermarket’s food contains destroy not just a shape of our body, but our health too!

How do we get fat? My follow-up

In modern society, many girls are trying to lose weight. It’s not my problem, not yours, but the problem of the whole society. Think about why, in our society, everything is so concerned about weight? We can look at the tribes of Africa, Australia, North and South America. I’m ready to swear that you have not seen any of them fatty. I’ve never seen before. We can compare their and our society.

tribal girls

My morning workout

Every day in spite of a laziness, a rain, a bad mood I do my morning exercises. They help me get rid of bad temper and laziness. Of course, the exercise will not help stop the rain, but they will add vigor and strength, as well as help maintain the shape.

Morning workout

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