Fight with post-acne. Home made facial peel

Hi, my beauties! I am ready to share with you another one remedy for those who are struggling with acne and it's consequences. My struggle with this enemy has a variable character, but I keep winning =) One of the most popular treatments to fight with post-acne is a peeling with fruit acids that works on the deeper layers of the skin, removing dead skin cells, aligning the skin structure (eliminating the post-acne scars and age spots), and, of course, it also nourishes the skin with vitamins, which fruits contain. So not to spend money on salon treatment, you can try a home made facial peel, using those same fruit acids derived naturally from fruits =) So, let's try.

Fight with post-acne. Home made facial peel

Fight with post-acne. Home made facial peel

I already wrote about the most simple form of a home peel - a tonic with an apple cider vinegar , it's such an easy peeling, which one you can make even daily, if your skin is not hypersensitive. But today I want to share more "severe" post-acne treatment. Attention! It is contraindicated to owners of dry and sensitive, prone to allergies and to irritations skin.

5 tbsp. of lemon juice

5 tbsp. of orange juice

5tbsp. of pineapple juice (optional)

2-3 tbsp. of oat flour

Preparation: Mix the juice and oatmeal and apply this mixture on the face, avoiding the delicate skin areas. You will not feel the impact immediately, but after a while your skin will start to feel stinging. You will have to wait about 15-20 minutes. But if you can not tolerate - rinse the mask away. Before you wash, do a little facial massage to exfoliate those dead cells that have been removed from the skin by the mask. After rinsing apply a soothing cream.

Do you like to use home made treatments or do you prefere to visit beauty salons?

Girls, I am russian, and the English is not my native language, so if you will found mistakes - feel free to show me them to correct! =)

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses;!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3