EGÍDIO ALVES. My latest discovery

Hi, kittens! It's a big pleasure to know that Portugal has wonderful fashion brands which are able to surprise by their extraordinary beauty and usability. I've never heard about this brand before (though I live in Portugal 1,5 years) but I consider this discovery the one of the most interesting of the last time. And I can't tell about this designer better then he tells about himself. Well, let me introduce ... EGÍDIO ALVES!

EGÍDIO ALVES. My latest discovery

EGÍDIO ALVES. My latest discovery

From very early on that the world of Fashion and Design aroused my interest, innovation and irreverence trends. At 18 years old, the first proposals came to work in the footwear, I began to sell some drawings illustrated with specifications of materials and techniques, passion was immediate. As I realized it would have to have technical knowledge to put me in the job market, do not hesitate and established a training plan. Since then I have never stopped ...

I participated in several national and international competitions and proposals with feminine design, but was in 2008 in Bologna Italy that was recognized with the 1st prize in the category of man by Vero Cuoio Consorcio World's Fair Lineapelle materials.

All this served to nourish the dream of one day having his own brand, Egídio Alves.

Desde muito cedo que o mundo da Moda e Design despertava o meu interesse, pela inovação e irreverência das tendências. Aos 18 anos de idade, surgiu as primeiras propostas para trabalhar na área do calçado, comecei por vender alguns desenhos ilustrados com especificações de materiais e técnicas, foi paixão imediata. Como me apercebi que teria de ter conhecimentos técnicos para me inserir no mercado de trabalho, não hesitei e estabeleci um plano de formação. A partir daí nunca mais parei...​​

Participei em vários concursos nacionais e internacionais com propostas e design feminino, mas foi em 2008 em Bolonha Itália que fui reconhecido com o 1º prémio na categoria de homem pelo Consorcio Vero Cuoio na Feira Mundial de materiais Lineapelle.

Tudo isto serviu para alimentar o sonho de um dia ter uma marca própria, Egídio Alves.

The beautiful pics of the last collection you can see on the official website of EGÍDIO ALVES: EGÍDIO ALVES Official Website

I wish you a wonderful day, my lovelies! I love you! ♥ Kisses! Meow ♥