Outfit of the day. Batgirl conquers the city

I love superheroes! Who doesn't? Most of all I love Thor, but this guy is not such popular hero as Superman and Batman, so a few time ago I decided to buy one sweatshirt with a logo of Batman. Today I share with you my Batgirl look ;)

Outfit of the day. Batgirl conquers the city

A sweatshirt, btw, is by Romwe (I want to make a post about this street fashion brand, bcuz I have a lot to tell about questionable quality of their pieces, but sometimes they make good things, this sweatshirt is one of them), pants by Springfield, booties by Zara, a purse by Burberry. Also I have one more little star, which you can see on pics: Burberry Lip Cover Nude Beige #1 =)