Blogs I read. My the most fave blogs and magazines I follow

Kittens, as you know I am russian, so among blogs and magazines that I read I have a lot of russians, but think, it is better if I will mention just a few of them, who write in English. So I will talk only about english-speaking and portugues-speaking blogs I read. Well, lets continue...

Resumo em Português: Hoje vou escrever sobre blogs que eu gosto de ler. Vou mencionar os blogs que eu sigo, e bloggers que escrevem em Inglês e Português.

Blogs I read. My the most fave blogs and magazines I follow

Blogs I read. My the most fav blogs and magazines I follow

I want to say that I don't have a lot of time for reading blogs, and I prefer to read professional publications, so you will not see here a lot of names and blogs. For reading I use two apps - Bloglovin and Feedly (that had come after Google Reader stoped to exist).

English-speaking blogs I read

Well, English-speaking is not mean that bloggers are from english-speaking countries, they are from all over the world ;) If to talk about fashion-blogs that I love to read first of all I want to mention, of course, Independent Fashion Bloggers' blog: it is a blog about professional part of the fashion-blogger's life. There is a lot of really useful tips from motivation till technical issues. I love educate myself!

One of my fave Personal Style blog is LA By Diana Live Magazine. Diana had started her blog only 1 year ago, but already conquered hearts of people with her perfect style. I love her blog much more then TBS, Fashion Squad etc, bcuz it is more... clear, fresh and honest.

I have also in my "list to read" one celebrity-blog Peace Love Shea. Shea Marie is one of the most popular fashion-bloggers, but she keep her personality and artistic lifestyle, that I so love. Well, is another one blogger from Los Angeles :D I have also one russian beauty-blogger from LA, so I start thinking, that californian people are the sweetest ones! ^^

I love also to read blogger Mary from Greece in her MaryFashionLove blog. This blog has very powerful personality behind and own unrepeatable voice, including a lot of lifestyle-posts, that I love. I actually love to see pictures from people's life!

If to talk about beauty-blogs, I have just only one blogger I read - Jezz Dallas MAKE-UP your mind. Jezz is so lovely person, I love her vision of makeup art and I am gratefull for her motivational posts!=) Among of beauty-blogs I prefer to read russian professional bloggers from, and - they write in English as well as in russian and make the blogs professional ones.

And otherwise... As a journalist I prefer to read professional publications. So, I love to read e-magazines,,,, and to buy sometimes editions of ELLE and Vogue.

Portuguese-speaking blogs I read

There is a few blogs in this list, so I will not divide them on fashion and beauty categories, and I will mention them all together. Well, the first one that I will talk about is All About Lady Things of Cláudia. I love her blog, she writes as about fashion as well about beauty. Her blog is full of her world view, and it is amazing, I love it!

The second portugues blogger I want to mention is Cáti and her blog behind Cáti's eyes. She is one of the best fashion-bloggers in Portugal and I love her style: brash, free and feminine!

Also I love to read a blog of portuguese magazine Saber Viver (as well as to buy editions of this magazine). I speak portugues not very well, still keep learning it, but blogs and magazines help me to do it faster!=)

Which blogs do you love to read? Suggest me something that I can be in love with!

I wish you a wonderful day, kittens! I love you! ♥ Meow!