6 Sun Protection Tips for Healthy Skin

Depending on which part of the world we live, many of us would have waited months for that warm and lovely sunshine. Once the summer hits, we tend to be outside till it lasts.

Remember: constant exposure to the sun can cause many harmful effects on our skin. 

While it's nice to be outdoors as you get a healthy dose of Vitamin D and fresh air, you also must consider the fact that you have to protect your skin from harsh UV rays. Here, we have devised a list of tips that will Fix your skin and keep it protected from the sun.

6 Sun Protection Tips for Healthy Skin

6 Sun Protection Tips for Healthy Skin


1. Exfoliate At Least Once A Week, Ideally Twice

Dead cells present in your skin make it look dry, rough and dull. Exfoliating is the best means of removing these dead cells, This way; you can flaunt a radiant and healthier skin. It also helps in regenerating skin cells and aging is kept at bay as well. It's always better to choose a natural and gentle exfoliator as artificial ingredients and chemicals may cause irritations to your skin. Fruit acid exfoliators like beta hydroxyl acid and alpha hydroxyl acid can be very harsh on your skin. Products with exfoliating grains which are natural are available in the market.


2. Drink Lots Of Water

We all know that drinking water can positively impact your bodily functions. But do you know that water has a crucial role in determining how your skin feels and looks? Proper hydration aids in flushing toxins out of your body. When a build of toxins happens, it negatively impacts the functioning of organs like Kidney. This may have an adverse effect on your skin as well. Drink water throughout your day. At least eight glasses of water are necessary.


3. Wear Safe, Non-Toxic Sunscreen, Even On Cloudy Days

If you are an outdoor person, it is important to wear sunscreen every day. Sun's rays are proficient and powerful, so even an overcast sky could do you some harm. While choosing a Sunscreen, SPF 30 is what you are looking for, if you have a fair complexion. There is no point in being tempted by sunscreens which use SPF 50 or above as their USP. Many sunscreen products which contain SPF 50 or more block comparatively just 1 or 2% more UV rays than the SPF 30 sunscreens. Regardless of which one you select, it's important to reapply often and after swimming as well.


4. Moisturize Your Skin

In summer, many of us are reluctant to moisturize our skin as we feel that it is not dry. But, good natural moistures tend to work overtime with regular use and promotes healthy skin. If you are not going to stop eating healthy or stop exercising then, why should you stop taking good care of our skin?

If you get a sunburn, it's necessary to combat the adverse effects. Use natural lotions that contain aloe vera. This will keep your skin hydrated all day and can alleviate the discomfort as well.


5. Improve Your Diet

This might seem a completely out of place suggestion as we are talking about protecting your skin from the sun. But, a healthier diet can lessen your risk from the harmful effects of sunlight. Nutrients known as phytochemicals have the capability to enhance the skin's ability to ward off damages.

Lycopene present in red fruits and vegetables prevent your skin from getting sunburn. Ironic, isn’t it? It is also important to take beta/alpha carotenoids which are found in oranges. Even though eating these foods can't completely prevent sunburn, it can reduce the risk. Vitamins can help a lot in protecting your skin and maintaining its glow. If you want to know about Vitamin rich foods that can nourish your skin, take a look at this infographic:

6 Sun Protection Tips for Healthy Skin

6. Always Wear Shades

Wearing shades help in protecting the delicate skin around our eyes. It can also prevent macular degeneration and cataract as well. Irrespective of whether it's sunny or hazy, high-quality sunglasses provide you with the much-needed extra layer of protection. The good sunglasses block up to 99% of UVA and UVB rays. Look for the one's which flaunt a 100% sun protection on its label. It's better to get the wraparound styled sunglass because it prevents sun’s rays entering through the sides.

Other Tips

• It is important to be attentive towards the UV index which is often mentioned in the weather reports. It indicates how damaging the sun’s rays can be on a particular day. The scale is usually from 1 to 10+. If it is, 10 or higher people are advised to stay indoors.

• Try to be careful around sand, snow and water. These surfaces may reflect the sun’s rays which are damaging.

• Limit the exposure of sun between 10 00 Am and 4 00 PM. The sun’s rays are most intense when they are shorter. The shadow rule might be of great help. If you find that your shadow is shorter than you, then it's better to find shade.

• You should be careful with your dressing as well. Long-sleeved shirt, long pants and a hat that shades the ears, neck and face would be perfect. Dark and tightly woven clothes can block more sunlight than white or loose garments, If you want additional protection, then clothes with sun-protective materials are also available.

• You might be prone to skin damage if you are taking medications that make your skin sensitive. These include certain types of anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, antifungals, chemotherapies and blood pressure medications. If you are prone to acne, 2016's best foundations for acne prone skin (Top 10) can be of great help.

• Keep babies who are less than six months old covered and in the shade.

• Avoid regular recreational sunbathing. Avoid sunbathing between 10:00 AM to 4:00 Pm in the summer.

• Do not use sun lamps, tanning beds, or tanning salons.


Adhering to the tips listed above can help in protecting your skin from sun’s damaging rays, especially in the summer and keep your skin healthy. It is important to soak in only the goodness of sun's rays to look better and feel better.