7 rules to take care of oily skin

Hi, kittens=) Today my post is about 7 rules to take care of oily skin. I have an oily skin so, i hope my advices will help you, if you have the same type of skin=) Keep reading ;)

Ola, gatinhas! =) Hoje o meu post é sobre as 7 regras como cuidar da pele oleosa e com acne. Eu tenho a pele oleosa. Então, eu espero que os meus conselhos vai ajudar vocês, se vocês têm o mesmo tipo de pele =) Fique comigo e lê! ;)

7 rules to take care of oily skin

7 regras como cuidar da pele oleosa e com acne

1. Oily skin needs to be cleansed, but it’s better to wash it with cool or cold water because hot just stimulates the production of sebum. Wash your face with your usual gel or soap, but use cool water only.

2. The peeling is nesessary for oily skin - both type as chemical as well mechanical. Chemical one (with fruit acids. Example, mix of the water and of the apple cider vinegar) is good for skin with any condition. Scrub is suitable only for those who have no problems with skin (acne).

3. Oily skin usually has large pores, so couple times a week you should make a cleansing mask with clay, activated carbon, etc. It will clean the already existing dirt from pores and the surface of the skin.

4. Oily skin with enlarged pores loves ice. It not only tones the skin, but also tightens pores. And if you will freeze herbal teas, such ice will help the skin to get useful vitamins and minerals.

5. Those who have oily or combination skin should always use the powder in makeup, to get rid of the ugly oily gloss. By the way, you need to wash away a makeup with great care, and always check the cleanliness of the skin with a serviette or cotton pad to keep it perfectly clean with no trace of makeup, after you hold it on the treated skin surface. Otherwise the remnants of cosmetics mixed with sebum and bacteria, will leave on your face unpleasant rash.

6. The best way to take care about a problem oily skin with acne is the using the salicylic acid, or cosmetics, based on it. One of the best disinfectant, reducing inflammation and the production of a sebum is essential oil of tea tree - mix your dose of cream with a couple of drops of oil and apply to clean skin. If you feel a slight burning sensation - is not terrible, it will pass.

7. For oily skin it’s better to give preference to moisturizing creams and lotions, avoiding oily fatty creams. However, don’t abandon the use of vegetable oils - the skin, “feeling” that it has an additional protection in the form of oil, will reduce production of its own sebum. And such as almond oil and avocado oil (my favorite ^ ^) are quickly absorbed and don’t leave a oily slicks on the skin.

Eu espero que vocês lembram como cuidar da pele oleosa e com acne, se não lembram usá os meus concelhos.

Do you have oily skin? How do you take care of it? I will wait for your comments=)

Don’t for get to follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin!

Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kiss!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3

comments: 2

  1. Kathleen:

    Thanks for this! Great advice and some tips I haven’t heard about before. Def looking forward to mixing some avocado or almond oil into my routine



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