Homemade face gommage with a tangerine peel

Автор: Eva Tornado

Hi, my kittens! = * How your week has started? Today I finally got out. Three weeks Portugal was stormy, to go out was not very safe. Today I’ve took a walk in my favorite eucalyptus park - there are a lot of fallen trees and broken fences - greetings from winter atlantic storms! But I had got an opportunity to break off some branches for home - you even can’t imagine what the divine smell comes from the leaves! It has spread throughout the house - a great deodorant and antiseptic! The rest of the day I spent watching blogs and fashion-video, trying to decide what I will write today about (I usually plan my publications, but today I had no idea what to write about). Eating tangerine (I also decided to be stricter with my nutrition (the Christmas is over :D), I once again wondered how much useful substances the tangerine peel contains - is a treasure trove of essential oils, fruit acids and vitamins, with a lack of which the skin is suffering in the winter time. And within my mind the recipe ripe. Without thinking, I decided to make an experiment, and, of course, to write about it in a blog. Because my skin is problematic, I decided to do not just an ordinary facial mask, but face gommage, to help exfoliate the dead cells and gently cleanse the skin without damaging the inflamed areas ( not to spread the infection over entire the face). Generally, composition of this remedy is aimed at cleansing - oil dissolve dirt, clay absorbs it (great anti-comedo agent), fruit acids help to remove dead skin cells deeply in the skin to help in the fight against a post-acne (acne-scars and pockmarks) and mandarin essential oil contained in the peel is a great tonic, helps smooth the skin and make up the deficiency of vitamins. Itself consistency of the gommage involves soft and delicate skin cleansing. So, proceed with the recipe.

Homemade face gommage for exfoliation

Homemade face gommage with a tangerine peel

Peel of 1 tangerine (the size of a fist)
2 slices of tangerine
1 tsp of green clay
0.5 tsp of almond oil

Homemade face gommage with a tangerine peel

Application: Do not be surprised with such a strange proportions of ingredients! To begin, I had made the base for a face gommage with one tangerine slice and peel, and one spoon of clay grinded and mixed it all in a blender. For a single session of exfoliation for the face, I took two teaspoons the peel and clay, and squeezed the juice of one tangerine slice and also I added half a teaspoon of an almond oil. Then I went to the bathroom with this mix. This mixture is not a mask on and it will not stick to your face, so, leaning over the sink, I started to do facial massage, using the gommage. Partially the remedy remains on the face, creating the effect of a mask, but most part of this mix falls in the sink during the massage. For the best results, do a facial massage for 10 minutes, using the mixture (replacing fallen remedy with a new portion). When the mass is over, wait for 5 minutes (to keep the remains of remedy on the face and to let the skin get vitamins, minerals and nutrients, like with a mask). Then wash your face with a warm water without any soap. Light coat of oil will remain on the face, so do not wipe your face! After a few minutes the moisture and oil will soak into the skin (this is very, very useful!), and just then you can apply your favorite night moisturizer. By the way, the remains of the mixture tangerine peel+clay I put into a small jar and placed in a friedge. It will be enough for another couple of night sessions ;)

Separately, I pay attention to the fact that tangerine peel is an allergen, be careful with an individual skin sensitivity to essential oils and acids!

Girls, I am russian, and the English is not my native language, so if you will found mistakes - feel free to show me them to correct! =)

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3

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I look forward to your comments, beauties!

comments: 2

  1. Elizabeth:

    Eva! Thank you a lot! this is amazing remedy! I’ll try it today!




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