In my blog, I’ve never talked about the subject, but decided, why not? In the end, I am the happy owner of a tattoo on my shoulder, and I know that many people share my love to the drawings on the body. Today I will share with you a selection of pictures of tattoos, and tell you why do I love tattoo art.
Pictures of Tattoos or Why Do I love Tattoo Art?
Well, I am from Russia. From country where 80% of people think that if you have tattoo you were in a prison. So as you understand is hard to walk through the streets without being picked by bullies “Hey, girl, what did you do that you were in prison?” I usually answer: “You know I’ve murdered a guy who bullied me with my tattoo.” You know, it helped =P
Here in Portugal is much more easy to live. Portuguese people love tattoos, and it’s hard to find a young person without at least single tatoo on the body. I think is because of the fact that Portugal is a country of rock and metal music ♥ So let’s take a look on beautiful pictures of tattoos
Pictures of Tattoos
I decided to get a tattoo in 2008, when for several years was completely focused on the music, and my passion at the time was closely interwoven with my profession ( I was a pr and marketing specialist in the company working in the field of heavy music ). So let’s say I was singing myself, and helping others to sing =) Tattoo has become for me an expression of the inner world that had forever tied me with heavy music (despite the fact that I listen to different music styles, metal and hardcore have a special place in my heart and the play list). The idea of my tattoo, which starts from the clavicle and ends closer to the elbow, is in the interplay of natural and man-made - bio- mechanics, bio-genesis.
It looks like claws and tentacles of a creature escaping from under the skin and muscles. Something wild that lurks in all of us. Unfortunately , the tattoo had been doing in a few sessions, and I was not able to finish it being in St. Petersburg, but I hope to find a master here in Portugal, who will be able to complete the idea of the way I want (or rather, paint it, because the picture itself has been completed ). So all the beauty of my tattoo remains elusive. =P
I always wanted a tattoo but neve got it because I am so afraid of pain…but I still think of it.
Is not so painful, more annoying senses, but in some place is painful enough… I was almost losing my mind=) I hate pain too=)))