Chiara Ferragni supports killing animals or What is the price of a blogger?

Kittens, you’re probably surprised with the headline, so I immediately begin my story. As you know, one of the fashion-bloggers that I respect (in former times) was Chiara Ferragni, which, thanks to her perfect style for a few years has become a celebrity-blogger, and which began her cooperation with biggest fashion houses. Accordingly, she has no shortage of collaboration offers, gifts from designers and various editorials. I really enjoyed reading her blog, view her professional photos … Until yesterday. Opened as usual my Bloglovin, through which I follow my favorite bloggers, I’d found a new post in The Blonde Salad, in which the next look of Chiara was published, but that it was for the look! Absolutely tasteless combination of short breeches with clogs (or clogs-like boots), and it was seasoned with a PINK MINK COAT! Do not get me wrong, I’m not a prude, and I’m quite easy understand people who wear leather and fur, when it is a vital necessity! And what a necessity was there? It’s simple. The look consisted of clothing of the last RTW collection by Louis Vuitton, with which Chiara has a contract. Therefore, for the sake of her fee she was ready to put together an absolutely mismatched wardrobe items by this brand, and “decorate” the whole look with completely unprincipled gesture toward the support of animal cruelty. Personally, I regard it so. I tried to write to her in commentaries, but of course (!) my comment did not pass moderation. But it turned out that I was not the only one. Her page on Facebook was filled with angry comments not only her countrymen, but also all the readers of her blog. They condemned her “suddenly deteriorated” style, and that’s this particular pink coat. The question arises, what is the price of a blogger who is willing to go to the counter to public opinion, with own vision of style in order to satisfy the requirements of the contract with the brand? And what, in this case, is the value of this blogger? I would like to talk to you about it!

Chiara Ferragni supports killing animals or What is the price of a blogger?


Chiara Ferragni supports killing animals or What is the price of a blogger?

As for me, I believe that every blogger is responsible to the reader for what he publishes. It is natural. The reader will come to you, because he is interested in your view of the world, your life and particularly yourself. But then the first contract with the brand (whether beauty or fashion) comes to life of a blogger, which clearly defines the requirements to slightly change some of principles and beliefs of a blogger. Some did not hesitate to sign it. But what is this signature? Does it mean to sell a soul to the devil? After consent to change own principles, you lose not only yourself and your honor but reputation, and readers … After all, the reader is always clearly feels all the changes in your style …

What would I do in this situation? If you have important brand that propose partnership, and (e.g.) you have a hole in the budget, and this is a good chance to fill it in? Negotiate. If the brand is really interested in you, they will take into account your wishes and keep your reputation (which, again, is in their interest). But if the brand has taken a clear position … Well, I think, you should refuse. There are a lot of brands, they come and go, but the reputation and the love of readers … Is no money in the world that can buy it!

What would you do, if the brand would offer you a contract with the large amount of numbers, and in return they ask you to give up some of your principles? For fun, let’s say it is a brand of your dreams! ;) I’ll be waiting for your comments!

Have a wonderful day, my kittens! I love you! ♥♥♥ Meow!

comments: 14

  1. Tania:

    This coat is ugly! She is stuped if she thinks it will give her a fave. All normal people will hate that she does

  2. Nymphashion:

    Well, Chiara doesn’t care about the animals because 99% of her shoes/bags is made of genuine leather. I don’t see any difference between fur and leather, we’re always talking about cruelty towards the animals.
    So if you accept her using leather goods I don’t see the point of a scandal because she wears fur :)

  3. Helen:

    I think that bloggers needs to show the nice things. But maybe she always use fur then I don’t understand why she has a lot of subscribers

  4. Kat (

    Looks like she sold out :(

  5. It's an EU thing:

    Having recently seen a video where they skin the animals alive to make the fur, I think this is horrible. As a big blogger she has more responsibility, especially to her younger readers, and instead she chooses her sponsors and money. It’s a shame but now at least you see her true colours.

    • Eva Tornado:

      Yep, so as you see, money is more important for her, than her fans and readers. She don’t care about readers who love animals, and that she can offend them with her look… Money, just money…

  6. Diana Marks:

    I just don’t like Chiara in general. She has a stunning body, but an awful personality and her outfits are more and more ridiculous.

    • Eva Tornado:

      I agree… Something wrong is happenned with her. Or I just have never seen these parts of her personality and she is always like that.

  7. El Beauty Blog de Eli:

    I’m totally against using fur for fashion!!! One thing is eating a cow’s meat and using its leather instead of discarding it, but killing an animal for the sole purpose of vanity is inmoral IMHO

    • Eva Tornado:

      I agree… If they kill the pig for meet, why they can’t use it’s skin too? But to kill fluffy tens little animals for just one coat for fun ONLY (because here is no aim to get the warm clothing, just to be fashiony)… It’s other part. Of course, defenders of animals would say that these are double standards - to agree with a killing ones animals and to not agree with a killing anothers.. But humanity now is in the period when we can’t exclude absolutely killing animals, we can just reduce the meaningless murders only for fashion.

  8. Jezz Dallas:

    wow, I didn´t see that post…great article hun!! It´s a shame…

  9. tonis:

    Hey! Great post I just came across
    your blog and I love it! It would
    be amazing if you could visit my blog too.
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