Ginger for acne removal. Como limpar a pele de espinhas

Author: Eva Tornado

Hi, kittens! Today I want to share with you a discovery that I made for myself recently. I bought the package a ginger root for cooking, and I made a tea with ginger for me and sat reading about its benefits. And then I realized that a ginger is a treasure for me! So, I’ll tell you about the benefits of this root, and also I will advise you how to use a ginger for acne removal.

Ola, gatinhos! Hoje, vou escrever como limpar a pele de espinhas de dentro e de fora. Receitas com o gengibre.

Plant roots is a pantry because the “reserves” of nutrients for plants are piling up there. A ginger root is the one of the leaders on the composition of nutrients. It’s second only after the ginseng. It contains the full range of vitamins, huge number of minerals, including iron, and contains the special essential oil, which is a powerful antibiotic. Thanks to this set of stuff, ginger root helps improve brain circulation, cleanses the body of toxins and poisons (yes, it is used even in cases of poisoning!), helps to restore the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and kills all the harmful bacteria in the body, including in the stomach and intestines, helping the body clear naturally. Ginger also helps with diseases of joints, blood vessels, heart and gastrointestinal tract, and especially - for colds, providing heating (it’s a spice yep ;) and an antibacterial effect.

So, back to the topic how to use a ginger for acne removal . I suggest you to use a “double whammy” for this problem. First, to help the body cleanse “from within” from toxins and harmful bacteria that poison the blood, causing the formation of acne. Secondly, of course, the external adjustment of imperfections on the skin.

Como limpar a pele de espinhas

A tea with ginger is an excellent way to cleanse the body. Make your fave tea with a boiling water, chop the 1 sm of a root of ginger and add it in the tea, also add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Wait 8 minutes. Tea will have a spicy taste, but it will only improve the taste, you will love this drink! In addition to a pleasure, you get tangible benefits. You can just swallow slices of a ginger (so will be even more useful), but if this method is not suitable for you, you can brew ginger in a percolator.

External way. When you clean the ginger, cut a small slice of the root, and wipe your face with it. If you have a pimple, you can just take small piece, and apply to the affected area. I held it may be ten minutes and in the morning the pimple “blown away”, becoming almost invisible. Ginger root is very juicy, so feel free to spread the juice on your face =)) If you will chop the root and mix with egg white, or with the clay, or with a vegetable oil, you will make a good mask for acne =)

Do you love a ginger? Have you ever use this root for your skin?

Já usaram o gengibre em cha? Espero, vou ajudou-vos a saber como limpar a pele de espinhas de dentro e de fora.

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses!=* Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3

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comments: 8

  1. Katarina

    great post.
    i’m following you now.

  2. Khalid

    Hi Eva
    I want to know if this method is ideal to remove(or even reduce) Acne ruins? Thanks

    • Eva Tornado

      To remove acne scars is very hard. And the one that can help is a peeling. One of the most effective is a peeling with fruit acids - you can use for example the lemon juice. Apply it on the clean face with a cotton ball, and make a little massage of your face. You will feel that lemon stings a skin, but just with this way you can make deep peeling to remove old cells, to let new cells grow up=)

      • Khalid

        Ok I will try lemon juice. But how many times shoud I use it? Everday or day by day?Thx

        • Eva Tornado

          I think, you can do it every day, if your skin is not so sensitive=) If it is, is better do mix a lemon juice with a water (1:1) and use this mix 1-2 time per week=**

  3. JerseyLil

    Hi Eva! I love ginger tea and what an interesting discovery you made using the ginger root for acne and making a skin mask! Very helpful! :)

    • Eva Tornado

      Thank you =* Yes, spices have very interesting features, that help not just health but beauty too=)))



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