My nude eye make up. A minha maquiagem nude

Author: Eva Tornado

Hi, my lovelies! So, today I found a couple of pics of me with a nude eye make up, and I decided to share them with you. My face looks naked, but I used all “allowance of cosmetic’s ammunition” :D

Ola, gatinhas! Então, hoje eu encontrei um par de fotos de mim com a maquiagem nude, e eu decidi compartilhá-los com vocês.

So, I don’t like to call a brands’ names, if it’s not a review, so I just will say, that I used a liquid foundation and a mineral powder, blushes, an eyebrow’s pensil, eyeshadows in three light shimmer shades, a black mascara and a colorless lip balm. If you will want to know brands I will answer you in comments=)

Do you like to wear a nude eye make up? Or do you prefer something more colorful?

Vocês gostam de usar a maquiagem nude? Vou aguardar pelos vossos comments, gatinhas =*

Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin!

Take care of your beauty, kittens! Amo e beijo!=* Love&kisses!=* Meow :3

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I look forward to your comments, beauties!

comments: 4

  1. Diana Marks

    Nude is the way to go! My favorite make up! You look so beautiful, dear!

    I was missing you on my blog and was checking yours too! Liked the latest three posts on Bloglovin!

    Have a great day! ;)

    LA By Diana Live Magazine

    • Eva Tornado

      Thank you for your kind words that you don’t forget me =*** Big kisses to you =**

  2. Pam

    Hi how are you thank you for stopping by my blog I love your bog as well it’s fabulous and is following you as you as requested can you return the favor and join my blog and follow me on bloglovin you can follow the links there from my blog

    Best Regards From The US


    • Eva Tornado

      Hi, Pam! With a big pleasaure I follow you =* Thank you to visit me =* ^^ Be happy=**



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