
Russian recipes. Homemade hair mask for hair growth. Extreme remedy

Hello, kittens! This week I spend almost all the time in home, so I don’t write about my new experiments, I just share with you already known and repeatedly tested recipes for beauty. Today I will tell you the recipe for hair mask for hair growth with pepper. I have learned to use a papper in anti-cellulite wraps, because by capsicin ( the ingredient of this vegetable, that improves blood circulation in the surface layers of the skin). This useful feature can (and should!) be used for the hair, if you want to help your hair to absorb nutrients from the masks better, and generally enhance hair growth.

Ola, gatinhas! Hoje, vou compartilhar a receita da máscara para crescimento do cabelo. Esta receita é minha propria, eu criei ela quando eu vivi na Russia.

Recipe for a homemade hair mask for hair growth with pepper:

A receita da máscara para crescimento do cabelo:

3 tbsp of yogurt (3 colheres de sopa de iogurte)
1 egg yolk (1 gema de ovo)
1 tsp of hot peppers (1 colher de chá de pimenta (piripiri moído)
5 drops of essential oil of peppermint (5 gotas de óleo essencial de hortelã-pimenta)

Application: Mix well all ingredients and apply the mask on the dry hairs. Wrap the head with a plastic wrap for half an hour. Remember - the pepper will burn your skin, so it’s better to keep the head open if you don’t want to send your head in a hellish torture =) After half an hour wash your head (first with cool water, or in other case then the egg will denaturate) your usual shampoo.

Aplicação: Misture tudo e aplique no cabelo seco. Enrolar a cabeça com o filme plástico. Esperar a meia hora. Lavar o cabelo com água fria e use o vosso champo normal.

By the way, in addition to the pepper, you will feel the impact of peppermint oil , it will be a feeling of coolness. It’s a strange mixture of feelings, I must say.

Yogurt is always a good base for masks, but you can use for example a clay mixed with water or milk, or vegetable oil. The yolk can be replaced or used together with a honey. Ingredients you can replace at will, but the main thing here is the pepper =) Increasing the circulation in the upper layers of the skin the pepper allows the skin to absorb more vitamins and “goodies” from the egg yolk, yogurt and other ingredients. The main thing is to control the process and at the first sign of unusual discomfort - go and rinse the mask.

Have you ever see the recipe of homemade hair mask for hair growth with a ground pepper like this one? Did you use it? Write me about your impressions=)

Alguma vez vocês já usaram uma receita da máscara para crescimento do cabelo? Vou aguardar pelos vossos comments=)

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Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses! Amo e beijo!=* Meow :3

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comments: 4

  1. Your Name:

    Hi lovely,
    I have never seen a recipe like this!
    Thank you for sharing
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    Fashion tea at 5

    • Eva Tornado:

      Thank you for vist! ^^ I” check your post =) Kisses=**

  2. Your Name:

    Oh great recipe. You have really great blog. God job :)

    • Eva Tornado:

      Hi! =) Thank you for your kind words=) Sure, we can follow each other, I like to read new interesting blogs ;)



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