Portugues fashion. Nuno Baltazar

Author: Eva Tornado

Hello, my dear! Today I wrote another one article to acquaint you with the Portuguese fashion brands. In recent years, a lot of designers (I’m not talking about the grands and the classic brands) trying to outdo each other, create for their collections some incredible outfits that can shock even the most experienced fashionistas. When you see colored in a gipsy-style, baggy, vulgar, indecent, awkward, weird and (in some cases) even ugly outfits (a lot of adjectives can be applied to such unusual collections), and no thoughts in the head even to try it, not to mention the fact to buy it as part of own permanent wardrobe. That’s why I was incredibly surprised by Portuguese fashion designer Nuno Baltazar.

Hoje, vou escrever para vocês sobre a estrela da Moda Portuguesa Nuno Baltazar. Fique comigo ;)

Moda portuguesa. Loja do Nuno Baltazar

When I was walking along the Avenida da Boavista (in Porto) I saw a fashion boutique that is called by his name, I froze in admiration. Beautiful in their beauty and elegance shoes and bags (do you remember, these are my weakness?) appeared in front of me, and my eyes ran to look for, what is there beautiful as well as shoes and bags? And again and again, my eyes have seen little masterpieces of a extraordinary beauty, fashion and art - dresses, suits, blouses, skirts … I decided to take some pictures outside the store to impress upon the memory of this little shop, with a steady intention to necessarily know about this wonderful designer, to watch video of his shows, to study the biography and, of course, write about him for you.

Quando eu estava a passear pela Avenida da Boavista (no Porto) eu deparei-me com uma boutique de moda, da qual ela tem o seu nome, eu congelei de admiração. Os seus sapatos e bolsas são a designação mais perfeita da beleza no Paraíso (vocês se lembram, são a minha fraqueza?) Apareceram na minha frente, e meus olhos correram para procurar, se ainda havia algo mais belo!!!! E mais e sempre mais, meus olhos dislumbravam-se com obras de artes de uma extraordinária beleza, moda e arte - vestidos, ternos, blusas, saias … Decidi então tirar algumas fotos fora da loja para tatuar esta memória deste pequeno tesouro em formato de loja, com uma intenção firme de saber necessariamente sobre este designer maravilhoso, ver videos dos seus desfiles, para estudar a sua biografia e, claro, escrever sobre Nuno Baltazar para todos vós, mas acima de tudo para os leitores russos e quem lê na língua Inglêsa e que não conhecem este designer. Para eles, eu escrevi uma pequena biografia sobre ele, que vós, queridas leitoras portuguesas, provavelmente já conhecem.

Nuno Baltazar. A loja

Biography: Nuno Baltazar was born in 1976 in Lisbon, but grew up in Porto. His passion for the fashion started with his grandmother’s old fashion magazines, after which he was graduated from the local school of fashion designers. And for his 36 years this talented artist was able to conquer the hearts of the Portuguese fashionistas who like to dress elegantly, with memorable looks, because he feels what the women want at 100%. Nuno Baltazar began its ascent, getting worthy fashion awards for several years and won the most significant contests of young designers in Portugal. After that, this talented artist was regularly organizing fashion shows of his own collections. For a time he worked with own friend, and they released a collection with brand name Cravo.Baltazar. Later, after 1999, the artist has already worked alone, presenting a collection by his name in the Paris fashion week. He gets an inspiration with travels, movies and showbiz icons (mostly, of course, Portuguese women). Because of this, or perhaps because of its keen ability to feel what women want, his clothes are becoming more popular on the red carpet of show business in Portugal. But the real rise of Nuno Baltazar started, when the brightest star of Portugues TV (aka UN ambassador) Catarina Furtado has became the face of his label. And since 2004, 856, Avenida da Boavista is a “head office” of the brightest brand of Portuguese fashion, where it’s already possible to find not only clothes, shoes and accessories, but also objects of interior and even books. This is a little corner of the real fashion chic in which I fell in love. It’s hard to compare with Moscow’s and Saint-Peterburg’s fashion streets, because Portugal is not so rich country like my Russia, but this one store would take a worthy place among the best boutiques in Moscow’s GUM or in SPb’s Seating Yard! Among the awards Nuno Baltazar, I will mention also that he was nominated for a Golden Globe in 2007 and 2010 and FASHION TV AWARDS in 2010 as well as he won the award “The best fashion designer” on FASHION TV PORTUGAL AWARDS in 2011. All the information I have gathered from the official site of Nuno Baltazar. I must say, very nice resource with lookbooks, press-releases, with colorful and useable design. I’ll leave the link on the site below.

From my point of view, the style of Nuno Baltazar is the very thing that each lady needs. Elegance, but it’s not brought to the boring image of a school teacher, daring style, but only in details - are able to create the most mysterious look, when you can not get the impression of a girl from the first time and you already want to know her better. Details just make you fall in love with them! The branded “Butterfly” from the brand logo of Nuno Baltazar is firmly settled on almost each of his creation. And what a girl doesn’t love butterflies? ;) I have seen many collections of Portuguese designers, but I can say for sure that in the Portuguese fashion my heart is belong to the genius of Nuno Baltazar. As they say, I found what is to my liking. This vision of how women should dress fully reflect my own. In the future I plan to enliven my wardrobe with the clothing, footwear and accessories, and possibly also the decorative elements of Nuno Baltazar.

A minha opinião. No meu ponto de vista, o estilo de Nuno Baltazar é o sinónimo personificado da essência da mulher. Elegância (mas ela não faz de si uma chata e enfadonha professora da escola primária) e a ousadia do estilo (mas apenas em detalhes) são capazes de criar um look envolvente e misterioso, o homem não consegue conceber a magia envolta da mulher que se depara na sua frente e a sua ânsia insiste em conhece-la. Detalhes são algo com que te vais simplesmente apaixonar! A “Borboleta” o logotipo da marca de Nuno Baltazar está firmemente estabelecido em toda a sua criação. E qual a rapariga que não gosta de borboletas? ;) Eu já vi muitas colecções de muitos designers portugueses, mas posso dizer com certeza que na moda portuguesa o meu coração é pertence ao talento de Nuno Baltazar. Como dizem, isto veio de encontro com o meu coração. Esta visão dele sobre a forma como as mulheres devem-se vestir reflecte totalmente na minha. No futuro eu pretendo animar o meu guarda-roupa com o vestuário, calçado e acessórios, e possivelmente também os elementos decoração de interiores de Nuno Baltazar.

Official site of Nuno Baltazar: http://www.nunobaltazar.com/

The video from fall/winter 2013 fashion show in Lisbon will show you all the stars of Portugues fashion, and on the 5th minute you can see the part of the show of Nuno Baltazar ;) So, write me, if you like Nuno Baltazar’s style, kittens! ^^ I will wait for you comments ;)

Don’t for get to follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin!

Take care of your beauty, kittens! Love&kisses!=* Meow :3

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I look forward to your comments, beauties!

comments: 6

  1. Isa

    Hola eva, grey parrots are very cool i like there and this female is really talkactive I try to make an video or speech memo but I don’t know if you understand german :) do you have any pets? :)

    Isa / unlike-girl.blogspot.com

    More fields for Name and website on the comment function were better (:

    • Eva Tornado

      I will male it, but if you will leave the link in commentery, it’ s okey=)))

    • Eva Tornado

      I have in Russia doberman and spaniel, but last year I live in Portugal and I still don’t have any pet=) But in future I will adopt some kitty or puppy=)))

  2. Mary

    Hi lovely,
    thank you for sharing!
    Great pics!
    I just found your blog…it’s so cute!!
    Would you like to follow each other ?
    I’m starting and I’m following on bloglovin#273
    I hope you like my blog too and follow back:)
    Have a great day:)

    • Eva Tornado

      Hi, I will follow you with a pleasure=) Thanks =**

  3. sweetjess

    Hi!! Just followed you back on facebook, bloglovin and GFC!!! :)



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