
Portuguese people in Porto

Hi, kittens! Today I was walking and taking pictures of all around me. So, from today I start to make a collection of pics of portuguese people. Sure, I will begin from the people, lives in in my city, in Porto.

Portuguese people in Porto less different then in Lisboa (lisboa, as all capitals collects all the types and classes of people), but here you can meet any people. Even so poor and homeless like this guy.

Portugueses love animals. And all the cats and dogs (even homeless) live free here, and citizens of Porto feed them. Actually, there is warm, so, homeless amimals live not bad. Sometimes, I think that they even don’t need adoption=)

Sure, football is everywhere in Porto, as in all Portugal :D

Some guys, that I shooted, was smiling me=) So cute! ^^

I love that old people in Portugal ( I sure compare with russian old people) don’t turn in to the old bones. They still continue active life, like to walk, visit clubs, play games and drink coffee.

Btw, about the coffee… Everybody in Portugal drinks coffee. And me too=) I am in love with meia de leite - coffee with milk=)

And, sure, I am the citizen of Porto ;) I send you BIG KISSES! =*

Take care of you, kittens! Love&kisses!=* Meaow :3

Do you have something to say?

  1. JerseyLil says:

    Wonderful photos, thank you for sharing, Eva! I enjoy seeing photos and learning about places I’ve never been to. I would love to visit Portugal one day.

  2. JerseyLil says:

    I tweeted about it!

  3. Hels says:

    I am in Lisboa as we speak and sofar the trip has been wonderful. I am a fan of the 17-19th centuries normally but have been delighted to inspect every cathedral, museum of voyages of discovery, port and public building from Portugal’s golden age. Plus the food……oh the food!! I have put on 2ks already.

    Just one question. Some parts of Lisboa seem shabby and in need of repair. Is that because of the current financial crisis, or was renovation always required?

    • Eva Tornado says:

      Hi! I can say that is not because of the crisis only. Portugueses are very simple people, and very conservative=) They value internal more than external. So, their usual places looks like in the time of parents=) Portugueses prefer to spend the time in parties, relaxing and don’t thinking about all the stuff that looks like beaten-up. If they have money they prefer to waste it for a entertainment=) As well the owners of some facilities. They know that their customers need their service, and they don’t care about external image, if they are getting good service=) But yes, crisis took a significant part in this.. But, Portugal never was rich country, truly.

  4. Tina @ My Highest Self says:

    Beautiful photos! http://myhighestselfblog.com/


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