
Posts of the section ‘DIY’

Denim jackets

Thanks to the efforts of designers of major fashion houses, our beloved and practical denim still can’t come down from the catwalks. This means that we don’t only need to buy new trendy things: jeans, shorts, vests and jackets, but also to “revive” the old ones. A few moves of the scissors, a little inspiration and some rivets, and - voila! - the old new denim clothing is with you! =) Today I have created for you three looks, the basic things of which are denim jackets. This kind of wardrobe’s items can be purchased by you in finished form, or create youself by updating your old jackets.


How to: Mask for making breast tighter

Good day my dears! Today I want to share with you a recipe that is good as for girls who are wondering how to make breast tighter and have a problem with the elasticity of the skin on the breast and as for girls who want to do preventive procedures. I am the owner of a small size and this mask was not required for me, but after my rapid weight loss (as we know a part of the breast is consist of a fat) I needed to help my skin reduce the size and don’t become “the spaniel’s ears” in the future. :D So, I used natural ingredients that have proven themselves in the facial masks. But we remember that the breast’s skin is more tender so it’s not necessary to use aggressive components. Let’s start to make our breast’s mask. This mask also has a slight bleaching effect. But don’t worry, your summer tan will be not defaced.

How to: Facial mask with turmeric for acne

I will not go into details of the botanical origin of turmeric (curcuma), except to say that this spice is full of vitamins (C, B, K, B2, B3), minerals (phosphorus, iron, iodine and calcium). Agree, sounds good? ;) But that’s not all! Turmeric (curcuma) contains a essential oil containing phytonutrient stuffs - are the most powerful antioxidants! But the most, in my opinion, striking feature of turmeric is its antibiotic effect. They put the turmeric powder in wounds in India. It stops the blood and helps to regenerate skin! It’s used for the treatment of abscesses, boils, itching of the skin. Do you have seborrhea? You don’t know how to get rid of the strong rashes, acne, eczema, acne, seborrhea, and boils? Arm yourself with facial masks with the turmeric (curcuma). But even if you have no problems with your skin - these masks can improve skin color, clean it (I forgot to say that turmeric takes away toxins, so feel free to use it for cleaning, not only from the outside but also from the inside!), and it opens sweat glands for their better functioning.

How to: Rescuer for the hair

In the summer the sun influences on your hair with ultraviolet and heat. But if you have vacations, and you spend your time on the beach then your hair also is under the influence of salt water too. After the vacations your hair will need reanimation.

Cute DIY accessory. Bracelet

To create yourself a nice little accessory for the upcoming date is not so difficult =)

We need only:

* satin ribbon
* large beads in your fave colors
* fantasy

Necklace from ribbon and beads

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